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Friday's Air


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Morning All! Whew. I made it online and it's still morning. We all slept until seven this morning. We stayed up til 11 pm with the kid last night. Then we had a propane alarm going off every couple of minutes for awhile in the middle of the night. It's happened a couple of times before. There does not appear to be a gas leak. We just had the fridge and everything else checked out. My husband thinks it has something to do with the heat and humidty here. I trust him to check it out on the rare occasions it happens. The heat is a bear in Port St Lucie.

My daughter is off work today with no appointments so we get to go shopping and do lunch. I saw her for a little while between dentist and orthodontist and haircut appointments for she and Dominick yesterday so am looking forward to today. It will be fun if we avoid the topic of the boyfriend she just told to move out who she is still dating and who stills stays over on occastion. Kids (40-yr-old kid)!

Have a great day everyone. Ann, I'm hoping your favorite day brings a change in luck for you.

Judy in Port St Lucie

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Another hot and humid day here on Florida's Space Coast. As everyone already knows, I am thrilled that today is finally Friday. If any of you have not experienced Florida in July, I can assume you're not into self torture. On an almost daily basis, I curse this humidity and swear that I would move away in a minute, if we could see this house. Then, I take a second, come to my senses and realize that moving away would mean leaving my children and grandchildren. So, after dealing with reality, I continue on, hoping no one will wonder where I got so much hair...lol! My hair is very "natural" and for you guys that translates to totally out of control. It's not tight curls and it's not big waves but it definitely is somewhere in between the two. The humidity just seems to make my hair take on a life of its own....completely separate from the rest of my body. For years, I kept my hair really short, in an effort to "control" it. Now, I have decided to let my hair grow and have been doing so for several months now. Personally, I think it's a mid-life crisis thing. You guys know what I'm talking about.....something akin to male menopause! Now, I have no idea how I got off on the subject of my hair but I hope it was somewhat entertaining...lol!!!

Tonight, out American Legion Post is doing another all-you-can-eat southern fried chicken dinner. It seems everyone is completely ga-ga over my red beans and rice, so that's always my contribution. Since I have to work today, I cooked the red beans and rice last night. Both of my refrigerators are packed to the gills with big pots of rice. Normally, I wouldn't cook it the night before but this is one of those dishes that's always better the second day, after all of the flavors have a chance to mix and mingle.

Judy...I hope you have a wonderful day shopping with your daughter. Shopping can be such a therapeutic event for us. It seems I always feel better if I have a new pair of shoes going home with me. Glad that your "alarm" was only a test.

So, I hope to spend some nice down time this weekend just hanging out and spending time with the grandbabies. I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend in your little corner of the world.


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Judy mentioned hoping my luck would change...lol!!! Yesterday, a little light came on in my Explorer, telling me I have low tire pressure. Hubby checked and found that I had picked up a nail in one of the rear tires. He took it to have it fixed, only to be told that I really need new tires.

So....the good news just keeps coming!!!

I'm hoping that a new months will bring some positive changes to my life, so all I can say is "hurry up August."

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Good morning Ann and Judy. I hope you don't mind if I join in. Sorry that you are so miserable with that heat and humidity. I remember what that was like. Ugh :!:

We have been having a real heat spell here as well. Believe me when I say not having the humidity does make a difference. We have had about 20 days straight of temperatures over one hundred. Twice this past week the temperature reached 113 and 112. On the other hand the humidity was down to 6%. I know the heat index says that the feel like temperature is 110 or 115 sometimes but believe me even 112 doesn't feel anything near as bad as 90 with 80% humidity does.

Car problems can be a real pain Ann. I finally got the money to put all new tires on mine. It was time to renew the license and I needed a smog check too. Waited for my check and on the day I got it my brakes went out. My car has been sitting in the parking lot for 2 months while I ride the bus or bum a ride. I have been using it to store our recycles in until time to cash them in.

I was starting the car and running it for a couple of minutes every few days but I guess that was not enough because my old battery gave out. I never had something so strange happen because without a charge my trunk won't open even with the key. Neither will the passenger door. I am sure glad I left the driver side door unlocked.

I miss my car but riding the bus has shown me places I hadn't seen before and most of the time I really don't mind. It get's me walking more but when the temp goes up to 105 or over I stay home.

I hope all works out for both of you and you have a pleasant rest of the day. Some neighbors and I are going out to the park in Anderson tonight to see the movie in the park. I am looking forward to that.

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Lil.....even if it is hot where you are, I would love to be there with you tonight to see movies in the park!!! What a great idea. It makes me think of drive in movies, which I loved!!! When my boys were little, we still had a couple of drive-in's around. We would load them all in the truck, back in and then we would all get in the back of the truck to watch the movie. I've often wondered why someone doesn't bring back drive in movies. I would think today's kids would think they're great!!!

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I love the idea too Ann. This will be my first time to go. Several parks in the area do that during the summer months. There are also a lot of Thursday night maket places where there is food, farmers market, crafts and music. The same park where we are going tonight puts on a music night every Wednesday night called Mosquito serenade. I am hopint to go to that for the first time soon.

Most nights during the summer a few of my neighbors and myself set outside until 8 or 9 in the evening. We go out about 7 when the temperature starts to drop. Some nights it is still too hot so I just stay a few minutes so Misty can visit with her friends. She had her haircut a few days ago and she looks like a puppy again. She even acts different. Not bad for an old gal of 16 or should I say 112.

I was raised in the bay area when drive in movies were at their peak of popularity. The weather was always perfect during most of the year but winter so they were a big hit.

When my two oldest kids were little McDonald's came to town with their 15 for a $1 hamburgers. We would buy a dollars worth and take them home and doctor them up. I would make a thermos of koolaid and pop some popcorn. We would load the kids in the back of the station wagon and go for a family night out. It was all we could afford but to us it was wonderful fun.

When the Santa Clara Valley became silicon valley land became too valuable so most of the drive ins closed. The last I heard there is still one open in San Jose. I think what keeps it going is the fact that during the days it is a flea market and the movies show at night.

We hear so much about the good old days and dispite the hardships in so many ways they really were the good old days. Drive in movies and drive in burger joints were two of the best things that seem to have gone by the way side.

Some day when I haven't written too much again I will tell you about the time Denis and I went to Sonic and why my granddaughters still have a good laugh at us when ever Sonic is mentioned. :oops:

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Heavens I'm glad I moved back home to Kansas City! I lived in Phoenix for 5 years over 100 begining in May until October. I don't think we've hit 100 this year in KC. It gets into the 90's and a thunderstorm comes through and everything cools back off. I love KC weather! It's the best weather in the world!


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Oh Lily, everyone is encourged to join in any and all the time! I'm sorry you have to but do admire you riding the bus while you wait to get the car repairs done. Old fashioned values vs put it on the plastic. And drive in movies..oh well, I can't think about them without recalling the night they put myself and another height-challanged girlfriend in the trunck of the car so we could get in free. It was naughty but a blast.

Ann, I try to sympathize with you ladies with the curly hair problem. It's difficult though when you are used to whatever do you have falling flat in the humidity. Now on the matter of the tires, I'm with you girl. That's a bummer. Dana, I know what you mean. My sister lives in Tucson and my husband is fond of saying he doesn't care about the humidity--112 is hot no matter how you slice it. Hi Will, glad to "see" you on the Air or anywhere.

Judy in Port St Lucie

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