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Scalp sores from Tarceva


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Can anything be done about these? My husband wakes up with blood all over his pillow every morning because somehow some of the scabs are rubbed off during the night. Do you think that liquid bandaid stuff would work? There is a lot of blood every morning.

He doesn't really use a shampoo because he doesnt have much hair and he washes his head with Dove sensitive skin moisturizing bodywash.

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My husband found that using creme rinse helped the scalp area. Maybe you could find a nice moisturizing creme rinse and see if that helps with the scabbing. His rash would come and go so hopefully your husband's will clear up soon.

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I have had a lot of trouble with scalp sores - and finally found a dermatologist who helped. She has me use warm compresses soaked in an over the counter astringent solution called Domeboro. It softens and soothes the scales. She also has me on two prescription lotions - Clobetezol and Clindamycin. When the sores get really bad she gives me Doxycycline.

I still have trouble - but not as bad - I DO always use old pillowcases!

Peace - Janet

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I had rather significant skin problems (including some scalp issues) during my time on Tarceva. Two of my prescribed medications were the same as Janet mentioned — oral Doxycycline (I was on it for a year) and Clindamycin jel. Anytime I got a new pustule, on the head or elsewhere, I'd dab on some Climdamycin a couple times a day, and it dried them up in fairly short order. I never had more than 2 or 3 on the scalp at a time, but with a lot I think Janet's warm compresses treatment could be very helpful.

I tried several types of liquid bandage on my fingertip sores, but wasn't happy with any of them, and I never thought of trying that on the scalp. I wouldn't expect it to be helpful, but who knows? Good luck.


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Thanks for the replies. His is already on Minocycline and uses clyndamycin... He says the clyndamycin feels like it almost irritates the rash even more. I will see about trying that Domeboro to see if that helps at all.

In the meantime I have stocked up on white pillowcases so I can bleach them.

Thanks again folks!

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You can get Clindamycin without the alcohol base - it is the alcohol that is bothering him. I had that same problem - my first dermatologist had me on all alcohol based products and it burned so badly. Ask his dermatologist about that. I was on minocycline also but it didn't work as well as the doxy. The problem with the doxy is it makes you so very sensitive to the sun. The Domeboro really does soothe the scalp. The scalp rash has been my biggest struggle in this whole journey - I hope he feels relief from it soon.



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I had posted a question about Tarceva rash to Dr. West. My hubby hasn't yet started the Tarceva but I want to be prepared as much as possible before the rash comes. Anyway, Dr. West suggested 1% Hydrocortisone cream instead of prescription creams. He says it works better.

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