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Friday's Air


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Here goes--good afternoon or evening all, whatever you call 4:30 pm. Got kicked off earlier. Nature is great in the field but technology stinks! Ran errands with Stan early today and had lunch out on a fairly dreary morning. The sun's been trying to come out and stay out this afternoon. The birds are cruising in and out of the tree trying to take advantage of a little late afternoon sun.

Heidi, you are way too young to be seeing a cardiologist. Keep us posted, o.k.

Ann, hope you got your motorcycle ride. Don't have a Harley but Stan has a large red Yamaha. I rode with him a couple of times but have to admit, it's not my thing. I would be o.k. on back roads but the highway is way too scary. We have to go the highway to get anywhere in Key West.

Tomorrow is my second pj party so I'm pulling that conditional hall pass again. Expect to have a good time but hope I sleep tonight. Didn't sleep well and was up at 5:30 am! Felt great, as usual for a few days, then the steroids wear off the fourth afternoon and I crash. Today was a bummer with naseau and little sleep last night. Top it off, I went out without my zofran Crossing my fingers for tonight.

Have a great evening everyone.

Judy in Key West

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