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Fears about my dad


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Hi my name is meeko and i am here because i have no one else to talk to about dad. i am supposed to be the strong one..my smile is decieving because i am falling apart inside. my dad is 76 was in good health we thought. we found out last week that he has lung cancer,isolated to that lung. the pulmonolist (spelling) said that his biopsy has shown that it is also in his lymph nodes. after he saw him he went to a surgeon for a second opinion and he says it hasn't spread.,and that if he has cancer it is the best kind to have because its slow growing and it stays localized.,this was before his bone and brain scan was done. today he was told that they see something in his pelvis.

he began chemo today,4hours long,which will be done every monday. tuesday through thursday he will have radiation treatments.

i need some feedback on how this will effect his body. dad has always been a stong and on the go man. he is weakening everyday,no appetite,sleeps all the time and this was last week before the treatments began.

i know i am rambling but i want to mention this. my mom and dad have been married 57 years and i can see the toll it has taken on her. i live with them and take care of them cand i can see the devataion in ttheir eyes.

please tell me the percentages of those who live and die with lung caner.will my dad be horribly sick? dad has a positive outlook on everything. i just need some feedback please because i am so afraid..,so so afraid.

i hope this makes sense to all because it makes no sense to me. I hate ancer!

Thank you ,


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Hi, Meeko, welcome to the group. I'm very sorry to hear about your dad. Chemo in combination with radiation can be quite fatiguing, but if he is in relatively good general health, there's good reason to believe that he will respond to treatment and start feeling better before long. And please don't be overly concerned with percentages — any numbers you may hear or read about refer to a very large group of patients with a similar diagnosis, and there's a great amount of variation between members of any such group. These types of statistics are essentially meaningless for any one individual patient, especially before there's been time to see how someone tolerates and responds to the treatments given.

If you know what specific chemo agents he's on, let us know so we can be more helpful with tips on side effects. I received my diagnosis over 3 years ago, have been under constant treatment since October 2006, and am doing pretty well. Best wishes and Aloha,


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I am sorry we have to met you Meeeko, But glad we have met now. Don't worry about numbers because 100% of us patients or not are going to die some day !! And remember that even a doctor can not tell us when we will die. Several things here to add to Neds post. good health is important. the lack of spread of disease is also important. these are good things right now. Fighting this disease is all about buying time. There is no cure as of now. The doctors and researchers are working on making cancer at minimal a treatable manageable disease. This is in line to be like diabetes for now. If they find the cure that is WONDERFUL news..Sounds like your dad has adenocarcinoma. That's good because, it is the most common and the most researched right now!!

Now dealing with fatigue. Remember these are poisonous chemicals designed to kill cells in the body. They are potent. It takes the body some time to adjust to this. Once the bad stuff is gone the treatments get easier of course and research is working on kinder gentler treatments. Do you know the names of the chemo drugs by chance? This can help in giving you our personal experiences with these drugs. Does he get anything like steroids to help with energy? Anything for Nausea? Get a small organizer type notebook and list in it all your Medications he takes, Dates of appointments, Tests and everything else related to treatment. Keep a list of questions for his oncologist and answers if you want but mostly at least questions. Are you comfortable with his doctors and staff? They are helping keep your father alive. If YA don't feel comfortable there are more!

Eating is next. There is now no schedule for meals. Let dad eat what he wants when he wants. I used to get up sometimes in the middle of the night to cook for my late wife cause that was when she was hungry. Think foods high in fat. You want to keep as much weight on Dad as Possible. Soft protein snacks are great. HE should have access to food 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you can get him to drink fruit smoothies with yogurt and fruit thats also great. Green vegetables are also good for Iron and bananas for Energy and potassium.

MAKE SURE DAD DRINKS LOTS OF WATER!!! Dehydration is a stay in the hospital and thats no fun for an IV!!!

Thats my best advice for you and family right now. Keep us posted on things and we will say prayers for ya. You don't have time to be scared right now. It is Time to fight to win the battle!!!!

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Dads diagnosis is NSCLCA. Looking through his paperwork I have found these medicines they are giving him. Paraplatin,Taxotere,and Carbo. Now I am not sure if these are all of them. I know that he takes chemo and radiation.

He came home yesterday after chemo and ate better than he has in weeks. 2 big hamburgers (we made) chips and pickles. He has been in the recliner since, napping and very fatiqued. I realize after reading more on this, that he will be doing alot of napping. They also have him on an nausea medication and pain medication.

I don't know why I asked last night about percentage because I am the first to argue against it. I am just so tired and so worried. I do believe that each individuals fight is different and I believe in miracles. Love and support is what dad needs and believe me he gets it.

I will keep you posted.,and thank you


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Welcome aboard! Eating really helps. What I did was food I loved, I couldn't stand anymore. Food I didn't really care for, now I loved. So what Dad eats will probably change alot. Also the had me take steriods, which made me really cranky. You are not alone and neither is your family. You can always come here and ask questions and be afraid. If you weren't afraid something would be wrong with you!


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Hi Meeko,

My mom was 76 when she was diagnosed. She is now 79 and looking forward to tunring 80 in February.

It is normal for your dad to be fatigued with the treatments. It is important that he eat and that he stay hydrated.

I hope he has a good response to his treatments. We are here to answer any questions or to simply offer support when you need it.


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