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Ct results update


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I guess it's an update. The CT results my PCP sent to me said NED but there appeared to be some fluid on my left side from the pneumonectomy. I posted a message to Dr. West and he replied that this does sometimes happen, the chest fills the empty spot where the lung was with fluid.

I was happy that he answered me prior to my appointment last week, because when my PCP told me that that happens and it looked fine I asked why did it happen now when the CT scan I had a long while ago didn't show it. Why fluid now? Hummm... she didn't know that answer. ((sigh)) so now I'm heading for a stress test and I'm seeing a pulmonary doc. Although it's not till close the end of the month. I'm a little worried about the stress test because I know walking is going to bring on the pain in my chest/back and the breathing problem. It will be worth it if it gives them an idea of what's going on. Hopefully it will also show what my problem is. I had an EKG last month that was "irregular" so maybe the stress test will be of help.

What if they can't find out what is causing it? How can they just not know wht's going on?? Don't even want to go there I guess..

Anyway, NED is a good thing and I'm glad the CT was clear. Scratch that one (the BIG) one off the list and keep on looking.

Thanks everyone..!!

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NED is good news Tami. My left side is filled with fluid too. That happened after my lung was removed too.

Sorry to say, your the one who is going to have to do all the leg work to make sure they find out what's wrong. Don't let up until you have an answer. Even if it takes 20 doctor's to find one. I know how that feels, been there, done that!

Good Luck and Happy NED! Do you have a Pulm Doc? Might want him to read the CT too. Just to be sure! My PCP won't do it, he turns it over to my Pulm Doc to deal with it.

Best wishes.

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Ned sounds good. I don't know about the fluid, but I know that when Mike first had his pneumonectomy they told him that the area would fill in with a gel . Hope something is learned with the stress test. Sorry you have to wait til end of the month for the pulmonologist because I think from what you are saying , that is the doctor who can do the proper tests and help you to find out all the answers. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Keep us updated.



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Tami, I agree, NED is a very good thing. Checking that one off the list is definitely a big relief. Hope you get some answers soon. I agree with Connie you need to keep knocking on those medical doors. Keep us posted.

Judy in Key West

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