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Well Hellllooo and Good Morning,

I was thinking we are all spread out across the Grand state of CA.. How bout us having a meeting at a central location... Disneyland??? In April??? Whatcha think? I can rent a van to try the San Diegans or we can take the a train? All are invited to attend!

Blessings to All.. :wink:



That sounds great. I haven't been to Disneyland in so long. Southwest always has cheap fares too...I'll keep an eye out for packages and if I find something good I'll post it for those of us on the North side.


Sounds like fun. :D Count me in. I look forward to meeting everyone. We need to try and have Fay and Margaret there too.

Peace and Blessings


P.S. Gina, you can ride with me if you would like... 8)


Hi all,

I'll go too. I start my first round of chemo in San Diego on Jan. 6, and will have to have 6 rounds. It should be ending sometime in April, so if I feel well enough, I'd love to go, too.

Let's get it going in So. Cal.



Wee how about April 24/25 weekend??

Been seriously thinking about things, gotta get some anxious energy channeled...

We need to get the word out about the site, to allthe magor oncology hosp/clinics... we need to run a query to find them, and deliver pamphlets and literature .

We need to find out where CA's tabacco money is going?

Support LC research .

Support local patients.

Work to inc. awareness.

Raise funds through the CD, 5K runs etc...

and keep on top of future needs and advances in LC and our national effort LCSC!

Any ideas???

California is so big we have endless opportunities!


Not to burst the bubble, Laurie, but California has already spent the tabacoo settelment money, and very little of it went towards smoking awareness or cessation costs, let alone anything else lung cancer related.

Sorry for this... in many ways. What a wasted opportunity. I see that kids are out there smoking on the curb opposite the high school each school day...And they numbers grow every week. I see young actors and actresses smoking on screen...for a while the cigarettes were missing from the films. There back now....Sad, isn't it.



The tabocco settlement money is gone, but the tax money collected on every pack of ciggaretts still keeps comming in and still keeps gettign diverted to the general fund. And what does that general fund pay for? Why, politician's saleries (among other things) of course! So there's still some good we can do. And your right ... it's realy sad.


Just pick a date, swing by Alpine on your way out, roll me into the van and we're on our way! :)



Hi Laurie,

Any chance the weekend before, April 17, works? Or is that Easter?? I don't even know :) I can always join up on Sunday the 25th. Or even later in the evening on the 24th. My mother in law is coming down from LA April 24, she bought tickets like a year ago for us all to go to the Champion on Ice thing at the Anaehim Arrowhead Pond at 3pm (right near Disney). I remember thinking it was crazy to buy a year in advance thinking who knows what could be going on :) Never thought lung cancer would be an issue ;)

I agree, we have so many resources in California, we have to figure out how to utilize them! Every time I hear someone cough, I wonder if they got a chest xray. Not a normal way to live life :)


Well I haven't done a lot of rese on the subject but I'm getting startes....

My bubble was burst the day I found out my Mom had lung cancer... It's an uphill battle but hey... no problem... gotta start somewhere!

I know I fiqured as much when I read the "notes" from the Medical Director Cardiologist at Berkley and he basically said that once the tabacco money was won the "Medical and Public Health groups were unvited to meetings by ACS and ALA... and politicians were invited and took over.... pulic health was neglected.... the campaign to stop smoking was begun but had they put the into cancer and patients care then they would be saying "yeah this really is affecting people's lives...."

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