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Y'all remember me? Time for an update.


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Hey everybody, wanted to drop in and give you an update. I know that many on the site are new since my days here, but let me give a brief rundown. In October 2006, my mom was diagnosed just before her 41st birthday with NSCLC stage 2B. All of you know what that entails so I won't go into it, but those horrible days and long nights didn't kill us all like I first thought they would. We made it through it one minute at a time.

We've been having some issues with a stomach virus and cold symptoms in our house (btw, I'm home from college for the winter break but I'll update about me below), and so Mom was pretty sick last night plus she was coughing and had a sore throat, so her doc sent her to the ER. Since her normal scans were scheduled for today, they went ahead and did them last night.

As always, we held our breath in anticipation, fear, and anxiety.

And the results came back - NED!! Three years later and we have been blessed to enter another holiday season with extra reason to be thankful. She's ecstatic, of course. One of my former co-workers this past week was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer and Mom has offered to meet her for lunch and talk to her - such a major step for Mom, because as many of you know, she couldn't even bring herself to post online here. The fact that she is offering to encourage another cancer victim is amazing.

As for me, those of you who remember know I used to be super morbidly obese and unable to walk without assistance, and have changed my life through bariatric surgery, eating healthy, and exercising faithfully 6 days a week, 2 hours a day. I'm happy to report that I've lost over 275 pounds! I was able to return to college this semester at the University of Tennessee, and I've changed my major from English to Biology (Pre-Med) with a minor in exercise physiology. I want to be a bariatric surgeon and be able to help others who want to take a journey like I did - either through surgery or simple lifestyle changes.

There have been challenges along the road, as many of my friends here know, but over all I am blessed - I have a wonderful family, a fighter of a mother who kicked lung cancer in the rear, and a second chance of life that is too much for words! I'll post a picture of what I used to look like below and I changed my avatar to a recent pic of me so you can see the difference.

Thanks so much for all your support. To new members of this site who are just beginning this fight, there is HOPE and you will find no better place of support than the great group of people who come here and loan their encouragement, expertise, and thoughts. You've found the greatest single resource I obtained during my Mom's battle with cancer.

Keep your chins up, keep being positive, and enjoy the gift of life!


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Hi, I remember you and your Mom.

I'm so pleased that Mom is doing so well - NED in residence is always something to celebrate,

As for you, a mere shadow of your former self, that deserves a huge "congratulations" from me. I hope you're very proud of yourself, you've certainly got life by the tail.

Enjoy life!


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Mitch, I do remember you and your Mom and OMG, you look fabulous. I applaud you on your choice of lifework. There is nothing better in my view than choosing a career that allows you to pass on skills you learned that worked for you. Good show! So happy Mom is willing and able to pass on her

experience with fighting cancer as well. Just a very Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Judy in Key West

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It is so wonderful to get your update. I'm thrilled that your mom and NED are still good friends and that you are doing so well. Talk about turning your life around. . . The only problem is that whole University of Tennessee thing. I'll just say WAR EAGLE and Merry Christmas!


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I am so proud of you, Mitch. I recall ALL your posts about your mom and smoking. I do see your pic on FB. I am there, but never say a word. But here I can shout it from the rafters ~ WAY YO GO. GUY! I'm so glad you posted for new folks as well as us 'oldies' too. Give mom a great big 'atta girl' from me. I'm glad she can take that huge step to help her friend. Happy holidays to you both!


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Hi Mitch-

I was just thinking of you the other day - there are many here who haven't posted in a while.

CONGRATS ON YOUR MOMS NED!!!! What a Christmas present that is!!!!

And let me tell you - you look great!!!! Keep up the god work and enjoy school!!!

Hugs - Patti B.

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Wow, Mitch, you are rocking that weight loss look! I lost some weight with work earlier this year and was amazed at the new me in the mirror - you've lost about ten times what I did, I can only imagine the time it takes you to realize you're looking at yourself!

Glad to hear your mother is doing well and is still NED. What a great holiday! Now, good luck staying away from all those cookies and candies...everything in moderation, right?

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