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Thursday's Air

Bud Baker

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Good morning, everyone!

It was 24 degrees with freezing drizzle and howling north winds as I left for work this morning, so the bike stayed in the garage. I was glad I didn't need to use any of the expressways to get to work, because most of the local expressways looked more like parking lots than expressways this morning from all the ice. It's a fairly flat route with light traffic for me in the mornings, so I had no problems with the roads this morning.

Keep warm, all!

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Glad you made it to work safely, Bud. Yes, that's way too cold to be riding a bike!!! You stay warm today. I heard on the Weather Channel this morning that Texas is colder than Antarctica....how strange is that?

We broke all records here in Palm Bay this morning, when the temperature slipped to 29 degrees. I actually had to scrape ice off my windshield this morning. what a blast from the past that was! I haven't done that in years...lol! Our local weather stations are predicting SNOW and SLEET for Friday night!!! I think I'm going to have to stay up all night, with eyes glued to the windows, just in case that happens. About 20 years ago, it snowed in Titusville, where Lynn lives. I was living in Miami then and it was too far for me to drive and see the snow!

I am so excited about our upcoming trip to Hawaii. Does anyone know when Becky Snowflake is pulling out? I think she may have a hangover from all of the celebrating at the Pub yesterday afternoon...lol! I'm packed and ready to head to Animal Kingdom to meet Muriel, Judy and hopefully Lynn.

Hope everyone has a warm day and let's all keep dreaming about how much fun we're going to have on our visit with Ned in Hawaii!!!

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Morning All! I'm late coming in and was thinking I hoped someone had started the Air. Thanks Bud. Your weather/road descriptions make me o.k. with the 52 outside temp and 64 inside temp again today. I'm going out and just wish the sun was as bright as it was yesterday. That and diminished winds made it relatively pleasant when I went outside for the mail and paper yesterday. It was a computer work day for me.

True to form, I've followed my funk with social plans alternating with office work I need to do. I have a Garden Club meeting today. I rarely go but a friend is going. I am also going to a Garden Club luncheon on Sat. Another woman and I from here in the neighborhood are in process of planning a lunch at nearby Geiger Key Marina next Thurs. Get the idea that I love to socialize over food? It's the Italian in me.

I have a haircut appmt this morning so I need to get in gear. Have a great day everyone.

Judy in Key West

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