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I Miss You


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I glance to my left and then to my right, but no one is there.

As I arch my back against time, I sense that I am alone.

You vanished from my life and my sight, but I can still feel you around me.

Can you hear me? Do you know what I am thinking? Will I ever see you again?

There are no answers given to these questions, only more questions to ask, It's as if someone has played a cruel joke on me.

Not having you here, by my side, on the other end of the phone, I am left without you.

Without the one person I would die for, breathe for, live for and everything in between.

It's simply unfair,

So very unfair that I have to continue in this world without you, that the trees still grow leaves, the flowers still bloom, that life continues.

There is nothing else for me to do, but continue to move, continue to live, continue…….

I felt you last night, in my dreams, in my arms, in my mind.

You were glowing, with a smile on your face and anticipation in your eyes.

You said Yes to me, when I asked you to stay and we both knew that it was all there was, All there was at that moment was You, and I.

I could've let go of life and continue with you, along your path, down your road, but I didn't, it didn't happen and I am still here, waiting, wondering, grieving…..

I don't know what else to do, What else is there for me to do?

Cry myself to sleep at night?

It is easy to do, easy to miss you.

I do, I do miss you, and everything in between. Everything, and yet I'd do it all over again, and again.

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(((Michelle))), it's so hard.. so so hard. Hang in there. It's good to write down those feelings and let yourself grieve. In time, I can't say it has gotten easier for me, but I do have more good days than bad ones now. Unfortunately , there is no way out of it.. you have to go through it. I hope it helps in some small way to know that people are listening and shoulders are offered from those of us who understand and care.



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I'm sorry Michelle.

I can't beleive what you are going through. That made me cry. I couldn't imagine losing someone that close to me. You sound like a gifted writer. That was so profound, so beautiful, I know so many people would relate to that, who have lost their spouse.

I'm so sorry for your grieving.

Sincerely, Melanie

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