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Teacher Wife is still slugging it out

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She just finished round 8 (yes, e-i-g-h-t) of carboplatin and taxotere after full brain radiation to nail a skull met and possible Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis. We go to M.D. Anderson in Houston again in 3 weeks for restaging and bone scan/MRI/CT/x-rays etc ..... The primary tumor has shrunk from 6.5 cm to 5 cm since last October - not great, but some progress. Dozen or so bone lesions are simply steady with 1 new one in the femur.

Still, she teaches 5th graders through it all (after a week off to recover from the chemo).

This is a great site. Keep it up.

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Wow, are we ever in her corner. Glad summer is almost here though and that maybe she can take a rest. Treatment can be tough. Remind her she can be a rock star chemo patient (like that ts!) but she doesn't have to be superwoman. Take care of yourself too. This is also rough on loved ones. Keep us posted.

Judy in KW

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All I can do is echo the others, she is one tough cookie! I pray for and wish the best for you both! Healing, and well being being prayed for as well. Soon she will be able to rest, and enjoy some time off, and that will be good for her.

Thanks for the update,

Judy in MI

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  • 1 month later...

Out last trip to M.D. Anderson was not so great. The Carboplatin/Taxotere cocktail has run its course and the bone tumors have started to grow and spread. Leptomeningeal carcinomatosis is still indicated on the MRI, but is not really symtomatic. Teacher Wife is now on Tarceva even though she is EGFR negative. Perhaps whe will be one of the 20% that still show a response. ALK tests are coming. Her energy level and appetite are not good.

Still...... she teaches.

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So sorry to hear this. Hope the continued teach is what she wants and not what she thinks she should be able to do. Still, the end of school is coming here soon, hopefully where you are too. I was a workaholic pre-dx and found that more rest was helpful. Just sharing something she might think about when school ends for the summer.

Judy in KW

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sorry for the bad news and prayinhg for more great news to come!! Also if still teaching Kudos to her and tell her not to overdo it!! It is people like your wife that give us hope daily!! Remember that it is always about tomorrow!!

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So sorry to hear that the last tests weren't better. Hopefully the Tarceva will help or she will be a candidate for the ALK trial. I suspect she teaches because that is her way of trying to keep some normalcy. Like if she quits the cancer wins something important. Good for her to refusing to give in, but I do hope she can get the rest she needs to let her body heal.


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