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July 4th and my Dad's house


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More than any other holiday or significant day, I think the 4th bothers me the most. Maybe because that is the holiday upon us or maybe it's something else.

My Dad was somewhat of a fire bug. Oh, who am I trying to fool, give him a match and something to burn and he was like a kid in a candy store. As I sit at home and listen to fireworks all around me, my mind wanders to the many independence days my Dad and I shared. It started around ten years ago. I would go to the fireworks store (I couldn't believe the illegal stuff you could get there) and load up on all sorts of pyrotechnics. The family sat on the deck while he winged his way through a fantastic light show. He always made me nervous. I worried he wouldn't run the hell away fast enough.

Let's just say he's had to stop, drop and roll more than once. The last two years of his life, I was able to return the anxiety as I became the technician. I miss him so...

Our last bonfire:

I've been trying to make this smaller...Oh well


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Thanks for the good memory and the photo. I can almost hear him hooting at those flames.

For me, the 4th has always been the start of my Mom's dx. One last picnic with her friends and never again did I see her outside of a hospital.

Unfortunately, our first call today was notice that a friend of M's died early this morning. He had lung cancer years ago and lived on, but recently was dx with pancreatic/liver cancer (not sure if one was primary or both) and he was unable to receive treatment (I don't know the details.) We just took them dinner on Friday, but he was asleep. Kind of somber around here today.

But I am wearing my only holiday appropriate attire - a NYC t-shirt with fireworks - from before 9-11, so the twin towers are on it as well. And I reminisced about the year we tried to canoe to see the fireworks at the lake - and just as we arrived, got broadsided and under we went, heavily dressed in jeans and sweaters. Cut short that event!

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Love the story and the pic. Tales like this are the memories that keep your Dad alive in your heart. Thanks for sharing it with us. Hope the day passed gently for you.

Stephanie, Wendy and I were recalling a past 4th when we went in the boat to view the fireworks in Key West. I was really special seeing them over the water. But unfortunately, we lost our running lights and it was a hairy long ride home.

Judy in KW

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Yes, these memories are what keeps Dad alive in your heart. Memories can be painful, but also comforting. The picture is an awesome picture with his silhouette back dropped by the fire. How appropriate for this man who loved pyrotechnics! Very nice sharing. Thank you.

Judy in MI

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Thanks for sharing your stories also. T, I'm sorry you recently lost a friend. And Judy you've endured so much. That picture of my Dad was part of a video. My daughter took it and pressed video by accident. I've been listening and watching the video and am almost haunted by the audio. I asked my daughter what that sound was and she suggested a bird. It's different and creepy to me, you guys listen and let me know what you think.

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