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Payers for Jaye and Steve.


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You folks don't know Jaye and Steve. I met them when I posted the fact I had cancer on one of my artists web sites. Jaye contacted me by e-mail and offered her support for Gay and myself and has become a friend to Gay since then. For that I am very grateful.

What's happening now is that Steve has blader cancer and is taking his final steps on the journey from this life to whatever awaits us on the other side. He's completely non-resposive as of yesterday and probably will take that final step sometime today. He and Jaye have been together about 8 years now. She's handling all this as well as can be expected, but a few more prayers for both wouldn't hurt.

I'll pass along any responses to Jaye.



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Hi Dean,

Prayers for Jaye and Steve. Peace, take and God Bless.



The Power Of People Helping People / The Power Of Knowledge / The Power Of God / The Power Of Believing / The Power Of Positive Thinking / The Power Of Never Taking No For An Answer / United We Stand, Divided We Fall / That’s The Key


http://www.plwc.org/plwc/MainConstructo ... 008,00.asp (PLWC Feature: Financial Support Resources)

http://www.usnews.com/usnews/nycu/healt ... hqcanc.htm (Best Hospitals)

https://www.alcase.org/advocacy/sign_the_petition.html (Advocacy /Sign the Petition)

http://www.cancersymptoms.org (Oncology Nursing Society)

http://www.plwc.org/plwc/MainConstructo ... 08,00.html (Questions to Ask the Doctor)

http://www.alcase.org/education/publica ... reath.html (With Every Breath A Lung Cancer Guidebook / From ALCASE / A Wealth Of Information / Free)

http://www.cancersurvivaltoolbox.org (The Cancer Survival Toolbox / Free / From NCCS)

http://www.centerwatch.com (Clinical Trails Listing Service / Center Watch)

http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&editi ... ung+cancer (Lung Cancer In The News)

http://www.thewellnesscommunity.org/pro ... /guide.asp (The Wellness Community / National Cancer Support, Education And Support / Free)

http://www.drugs.com (Drug Information Online)

http://www.alcase.org (ALCASE / Alliance For Lung Cancer Advocacy, Support, Education)

http://www.nlm.nih.gov (Unites States / National Library Of Medicine)

http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/encyclopedia.html (Health Information / Medical Encyclopedia)

http://www.google.com (Great Search Engine)

http://blochcancer.org (R.A. Bloch Cancer Foundation, Inc. / Please read: A Letter to all newly diagnosed cancer patients)

http://www.cancer.org (American Cancer Society)

http://www.cancer.gov (Cancer Information Service / NCI)

http://www.cancerresearchcenter.org (Cancer Research Center)

http://www.aicr.org (American Institute for Cancer Research; Nutrition Hotline / AICR)

http://www.cancerhopenetwork.org (Cancer Hope Network)

http://www.acor.org (Association of Cancer Online Resources / Free Online Lifeline For Everyone Affected By Cancer & Related Disorders)

http://www.meds.com/lung/lunginfo.html (Lung Cancer Information Library)

http://www.lungusa.org (American Lung Association)

http://www.ama-assn.org (American Medical Association)

http://www.docguide.com/news/content.ns ... g%20Cancer (Doctor’s Guide / Lung Cancer)

http://www.healthfinder.gov/Scripts/Sea ... ?topic=506 (Healthfinder)

http://www.medicinenet.com/Lung_Cancer/article.htm (Medicine Net)

http://www.cancerindex.org/clinks2l.htm (Cancer Index / Lung Cancer Resources Directory)

http://www.nfcr.org/site/PageServer?pag ... ncers_lung (National Foundation For Cancer Research)

http://www.patientadvocate.org (Patient Advocate Foundation)

http://www.lungcanceronline.org/effects ... fects.html (Lung Cancer Online / Hematologic (Blood) Effects)

http://www.cancerlinks.org/lung.html (Lung Cancer Links)

http://www.cancer-free.com (Cancer Free Connections)

http://www.healthinsite.gov.au/topics/C ... ung_cancer (Health Insite)

http://www.lungcancerclaims.com (Lung Cancer / Lung Cancer Information Page)

http://www.cancerlifecenter.com/engine. ... =dictionar (Cancer Life Center/ Cancer Dictionary)

http://www.canceryellowpages.com/Resour ... G%20CANCER (Cancer yellow Pages)

http://icare.org (ICARE / The International Cancer Alliance)

http://www.vh.org/index.html (Virtual Hospital)

http://www.lungcanceronline.org/support/financial.html (Lung Cancer Online / Financial, Legal & Insurance Issues)

http://cancernews.healthology.com/focus ... cancernews (Cancer News)


If I Could Catch a Rainbow:

If I could catch a rainbow, I would do it just for you, And share with you its beauty, On the days you’re feeling blue. If I could build a mountain, You call your very own, A place to find serenity, A place to be alone. If I could take your troubles, I would toss them in the sea, But all these things I’m finding, Are impossible for me. I cannot build a mountain, Or catch a rainbow fair, But let me be what I know best A friend that’s always there. Author Unknown


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Jaye...so sorry for all your pain right now. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Cancer is a monster, regardless of what part of the body it affects. I pray you will find peace in this difficult time. I lost my husband to lung cancer so I can definitely relate to your pain right now. God will help you through this sorrowful time and will grant you the strength and wisdom to get through this. If you ever need to talk both Dean and Gay know how to reach me! I would be happy to listen at any time...day or night!

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My deepest sympathy go out to you at this terrible time in your life. I wish you the strength you need to continue on lifes journey. I pray that the love will sustain you when you are lost and lift you up so you can go on. My heart feels your pain. I have lost so many that I love and it never gets any easier. Lillian

"Every mans death deminishes me because I am a part of mankind" author: John Donne

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Dean, so thoughtful of you to share Jaye's need for support.

Jaye, please know that you have the support of many prayers right now. What I have learned through watching my mother-in-law deal with the loss of her husband is that some days she takes it one minute at a time, some are one hour at a time, and some do become a full day at a time. You be true to whatever YOU need to do each moment, each hour, each day. She has also found music to be a big help during this time and wanted me to share that the song "To Where You Are" sung by Josh Groban (as a tribute to his late grandmother I believe) has been so helpful the last few months.

God bless~

Karen M.

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Thanks folks for your kind words and prayers. At 5:35 on Friday morning Steve, as Jaye put it "graduated this morning and got his wings".

Steve spent the his last moments awake and alert, listening and watching the woman he'd spent the last eight years with. When the time came, finaly, to let go he simply fell asleep and stopped breathing.

One journey ended, another begun.

Jaye told me she was completely floored by the responses to this post and wants to let all you know she is so very grateful for your support.

I hope and pray that someday the word "cancer" will simply be a chapter in some history book. Too many good people gone.


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Just saw your post. My condolences to your friend Jaye. May her hurt and pain lessen and she be comforted as the days go by. This is such an ugly disease, no matter what type of cancer it may be. Dear Lord, I pray for a "Cure" for this horrible disease, I ask in Jesus name... Prayers for your friend and her family.

God Bless


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