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I don't see any updates here about Marisa so I will post what I know. I send an email to her and she replied day before yesterday. She says she is weaker and thinner but over all doing much better that she expected to be. She actually didn't expect to live this long. She is glad that she had the brain tumor removed and and also that she chose the road less traveled. Right now she is living and enjoying all of the time she has.

Like Dean Carl she has become a dear friend and an inspiration. Please continue to keep her in your thoughts and prayers that her quality of life stays as good as it is now.

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I don't think I ever got to know Marisa, but appreciate the update on someone who has chosen the path less traveled. My Mom did that and I believe she lived much longer than the doctor's expected because of her choices. Her last 9 months here were blessed and a treasure for us to share together.

God bless her and keep her feeling as well as she is!

MI Judy

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