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What a weekend


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I arrived home on Thursday 28 October for the pay long weekend.

The previous week was very stressful due to a serious injury on site as well as a major audit by the client. I arrived at about 4 pm and did a quick trip to the shops to get some supplies. year. should but theres not much to do until a new drug is on the market early nexthe heart is not behaving as it

Went to bed early. Friday had to have some blood tests done as I had an appointment with the cardiologist in the afternoon.

This is when the lonliness hit me as I was doing everything alone with no one to share anything. I did a lot of preparation work in the kitchen for the revamp but its going slowly and it hard work chopping off the old wall tiles. Had to demolish the old cupboards and find temporary storage for the contents. Lots of memories good and bad while sorting through everything. This was Pats domain and its hard to decide what to keep and what to discard.

Saw the doctor in the afternoon and the heart is a bit out of kilter again. Not much can be done until a new drug comes onto the market early next year.

Worked late Friday and was up early Saturday to clean up the kitchen.

Saturday afternoon spent with a very good friend. His wife is away and so the two of us barbequed and the watched the final of a series of rugby games. It was special as our Natal team The Sharks beat the Cape Western Province tean well and truly.

Sunday went to church in the morning. I went to the wildlife rehabilitation centre to see the baby jackal. It was their open day and there were quite a few visitors which included a number fro the National Sea Rescue Institute. It was good to see them as I was a member for many years. I did not see the jackal which has 6 other companions as they were hiding away from the noise. I have arranged another visit at a quieter time. I spent the rest of the day working. Went visiting last night. An old couple Ive known for many years.

This morning, Monday, I will do some work in the kitchen, clean up and then go and have a haircut. I have to see the other specialist about my thyroid this afternoon.

All in all a busy weekend.

There were a lot of very emotional times as I found little things of Pat. Found some things she had started and not finished and then just the memories and the sense of great loss. We went everywhere together and its very difficult being alone and also seeing other people happy together.

Its back to work tomorrow and the on Friday I go to Johannesburg to do that Pitts Special Flight.

There will be quite a number of family and friende to see and support me.

That the news



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Ronnie, you are bound to encounter many memories as you go thru Pat's kitchen. But it sounds like you did a great job with the weekend, taking care of your health, getting some work done, and spending time with people. Sounds like a great balance to me.

Hang in there and hope you get to visit the jackal soon.

Judy in KW

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