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Thursday's Air

Bud Baker

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Good morning, everyone! Katie is right. We'd love to hear from more people here. Day to day living is survivorship. We're not picky; you can post whatever you want in this daily Air thread, or start your own thread here.

It was 62 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 89. It's cloudy and breezy.

With a forecast of storms, yesterday may not have been the best day to ride to work (hey, a 50% chance of rain means there's a 50% chance that it won't rain, right?) But that turned out to just be wishful thinking yesterday. The heavy thunderstorms hit here at 2:00, about an hour and a half before I get off work. At 2:30, Rose sent me this text, "I'm at home. Do u want me to come get ur a$$?" LOL

The rain was moving east fast enough that I thought it might be mostly past by 3:30, but it started training more to the northeast, and rained for hours more in Fort Worth. But at least the worst of the lightning seemed to be past, so I decided to give the ride home a go.

I made sure not to try and stop too fast anywhere, and made it home fine. As usual, the rain really wasn't that bad until I reached Crowley, then it was a downpour the rest of the way. The bike's fairing keeps the rain off my legs pretty well, and my hooded rain jacket keeps most of it off the rest of me.

Still, after riding in this kind of downpour, my clothes were wet enough that I just left them hanging in the garage. The good news is that Rose still rejoices at the sight of a naked man walking into the house. Today's forecast is for just a 30% chance of storms, so maybe I'll make it home without blinding Rose.

Have a great day, all!

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(((((Rose sent me this text, "I'm at home. Do u want me to come get ur a$$?" )))))

Let you imagination run away with that one - - I bet there is not a dry eye in the house after laughing about Buds ride home yesterday. (Are we sure Rose knows what rejoice means - I mean when she throws her hands up in the air does she say "come hither" or does she say "go yonder" (Sorry could not for the life of me think of something to say - Becky - will know what to do about this.

Dang, all I can think about is how much I wanted another nice relaxing weekend at Keith's. After last night I will be stuck with the kid again - so I guess I wind up staying in town. I got to drive the tractor and mow the yard last weekend - it was so much fun - like a go cart with a purpose. With the playstation network down I may as well kill a few blades of grass. Wait a minute I know what I can do - I can go to that store TAPS (Teachers and Parents Store) and get some workbooks for the kid - what fun.

Now I got some planning to do - and something else - what was that - - oh yeah - work - darn it - why isn't it Friday?


P.S. I'm thinking Rose should get the reward of the day for making everyone laugh - poor Bud.

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At 2:30, Rose sent me this text, "I'm at home. Do u want me to come get ur a$$?" LOL

The good news is that Rose still rejoices at the sight of a naked man walking into the house.

I'm thinking, if you're peddlin' your a$$ all over town, Rose SHOULD get a freebie every now and then!

Hopefully, it was only Rose at home when you streaked through, or did she have the Queen over for tea? Comments on the crumpets? :oops:

Well, it's official, I NEED to find a job. Seriously. Going to have to start networking and get employed. We just have too many habits here that one job cannot cover. Two of the big ones are eating and sleeping indoors. The other big habit? Gas to get to work!

Maybe I should lose some weight and become a pole dancer. No real wardrobe expenses, in fact, if I can dig up some of my clothes that are worn and holey, I'll be ahead of the game! :lol:

I think that jumping out of one's skin should burn more calories. It sure feels like I've peeled years off my life when those darn smoke alarms go off. Go figure, they have a sensor that not only lets the know the oven is open, but that I am bent over with something hot in my hands and may just fly with the shrill screech!

It's hot, it's humid and I refuse to complain, frizzy hair and all, because there is no *$&%# SNOW to be seen ANYWHERE! Of course, come summer, when there are days of no relief in sight and the electric bill is high, I will re-visit my position.

Today's excitement? Well, it's garbage day...and I'm working on what to fix for dinner...may have to put a pork tenderloin in the cooker. Was going to make baked potato soup, but weather dictates something not so heavy. Beer and brats, maybe? :D

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Very warm here in central FL, but it's still sunny. Rain later?

Becky, every time I bake salmon (not often, given the price) I set off the smoke alarm in the dining room. Doesn't seem to bother the other alarm. Very annoying. The salmon never burns, though. I like the beer and brats idea!

Can someone tell me how to change my password here? Thanks.

Our Chicago son is visiting this week. He and Con are "doing" the Orlando outlet malls. Prediction: Con will buy almost nothing and Charles will return with jackets, shirts, etc. that won't fit into his suitcase. Good thing we're not far from the UPS store.

Hope everyone is having a good day.


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Well, I just want to thank all of you for the laughs! I needed that! Bud, you just made me smile with your Rose comments! LOL LOL LOL!!!!!

All of you just made me laugh. I needed that. Had visitation at the funeral home today. Tonight I pick up 300 rolls, and get to come home and cut them for sandwiches! How fun.

The woman organizing this funeral is something else. She asked the helpers to wear black pants and white shirts if you are planning on going to the funeral, so she'd know who would be left to help serve the food. Oh my. Never heard of such a thing before. She has it super "over" organized. You'd think we're expecting 5000 people the way she has it done. Whatever. I'm thinking my friend, Brenda, would be laughing at all of this rigamaroll!

Muriel, at the top of the page is a tab called "User Control Panel". Click on that and you will see all the different options to use for changing anything you want to change.

Talking about losing weight. I've lost so much weight, and none of my clothes fit. They are huge. I thought I had a back up set of smaller clothes in the lower closet, but am dismayed that all that is in there is really, really casual clothes. I'm headed to Goodwill tomorrow. I can't afford new, but I look like a ragamuffin in my giant clothes.

There Eric, I gave you a couple of words to peruse. Ragamuffin. Rigamaroll. Ha!

It's very hot and humid here. I tried to leave the windows open, but when my makeup began to drip, it was time to shut the house up! Sheesh! Hate dripping makeup! LOL

Judy in MI

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MI Judy, are you a zombie? If your face is melting off, you must be a zombie...and ragamuffin clothes? Yep, your flesh is rotting away, your face is melting, your clothes are draping...face it, you're a zombie. Throw in a lack of sleep and it all fits, right? I can double check with my boy, he's in some zombie faze where everyone is a zombie, zombie's are on the prowl looking for brains to eat (I tell him he's safe)...

Dang, it's hot. I'm not complaining, but no more heat added for summer, if the this is the test day for the high, this is good. No more. My face isn't melting merely because I don't have make-up on, but I have a blond hedge on my head... Nothing like a poodle-do on a humid day! Marge Simpson has about six inches on me...LOL

What a day...just, what a day. If anyone has the winning lottery numbers, could they pass them this way?

Time to really get dinner underway, and pack hubby's lunch. If I have it finished by the time I get him up, I can spend time with him instead of in the kitchen (where it's hot)... That's the plan!

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About the funeral, MI Judy, sometimes, things just work out that way. My grandfather really wasn't a Cadillac man, he used to work on cars back in the old days, when you could tell the make by the sound of the engine.... It just so happened that when he died, the funeral home had their hearse in for repairs and had to pull out the Packard to take my grandpa to his final resting place.

Your friend is probably laughing herself to tears at all of her friends togged out in white shirts and black pants (no frilly apron?) to serve the army that is expected.

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LOL Becky! I had to come back here for some comic relief. I thought Randy would be home to go with me to pick up the rolls. Not! We have a huge super cell storm heading our way, with a ton of hail, so I don't want to go get them myself. So?

HE will be getting them at 7:00AM by himself. When he asked why I was upset, I just said "you suck at communication". Arrrgh.

Anyway I laughed at your zombie image. Yeah it is that hot. I'm enjoying thinking about your hair in this humidity. I don't have enough of that to matter! But it is extremely hot and drippy out. Can't wait for this storm system to roll through. Supposed to be back in the 50's and 60's by Sunday.

One extreme to the other.

Calgon take me away.

Judy in MI

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