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Released from surgeon?


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Early stagers,

Have any of you ever been released by your surgeon? My surgeon alluded to that possibly happening over the next two years for me. He said sometimes 10 years is enough follow-up for early stage patients and that we should be talking along those lines.

Although relief is my major emotion, I have a nagging in the back of my mind that says, "Well, how then will I know if everything continues to be ok?"

My question is this-Have any of you been released by your surgeon, and if so, do you have a scan or xray every year by your internist or oncologist so that you at least know that nothing has changed?


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I'm only 2 years out from surgery and I see my oncologist not my surgeon every 6 months. But I think that even 10 years out it would scare me to death to be realeased. I'm not a lot of help because I don't have an answer for you but I just wanted you to know that I'd feel just like you do.


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I don't have an answer (like Paulette just 2 years out here too) but - I have seen others released by their surgeon. In fact, my surgeon told me since I was seeing an oncologist he would let me go to her. I am freaking out at going to six months after September - but ...

I would say that the solution is that you go to your primary care physician annually and say - please include a chest xray since I had cancer. They should have no problem with it.


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My surgeon sent me back to the pulmonologist for follow-up. He the Pulm. didn't think chemo was necessary, but suggested talking to an oncologist. Oncologists (a total of 4 since we moved a month after my second surgery) have provided follow-up since then. Did chemo a second time and have had CTs, Pets, etc since then. At the 8 year mark (from 1st Dx) I'm now have scans and seeing the Onc. once a year. If she were to say that I didn't need anymore scans, I'd freak out!


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I never saw my surgeon after the staples were removed. He released me to my Onc. after that and I was seeing him once a year (4 years out today!!!!!). He found a spot in February, so I"m back on the 3 month schedule.

I wondered if you are still seeing an Onc? If not, I'd do what Annette said, asking for an Xray every year when you have a physical with your primary care doctor.

Judy in MI

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I too am surprised that a surgeon has kept seeing you after you began seeing an oncologist. Surgeons like to operate and typically have little case load that isn't in the chute. As much as we liked my surgeon, I would have been surprised to be followed by him once I was healed from the surgery. (He did take out my first round port and boy was that an adventure! Actually, his resident/intern did. And I did run into him in the hospital cafeteria once. But I didn't get billed, so I don't think that counts.)

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Like some above, once my staples were out I only saw the Onocologist but not for 10yrs! The last CTs and then Xrays they I have had were ordered by my primary doctor.

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It was my surgeon who told me over the phone a few days after my surgery that I was stage 2 and that he needed to refer me to an oncologist. I haven't spoken to him since.

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I have the same story as the rest. I haven't seen my surgeon since shortly after my surgery. Has seen an Oncologist since then. Every 3 month's for the first 2 year's, every 4 months for the 3rd year, and now every 6 month's for the next 2 year's.

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Wow! Thanks for the replies-I didn't realize I was in an unusual situation here-I thought everyone was still seeing their surgeon!

I sure do hate making that trip every year, but at the same time, I like the fact that my surgeon is the guy who has been looking at those films for all of this time-since he would be noticing any little difference from one year to the next.

I guess I have a while to think about it - will see what the next couple of years brings!


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