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Wednesday's Air


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Well, today is starting off on a sad note. Brad's wife updated the Carepage this morning, and reading about his last day of life here just was so sad. I hate lung cancer. I hate that it took a 32 year old man from us. I hate that this young widow and her little child will have to learn how to live without him.

When I was at Gilda's yesterday, the social worker that mediates our group meetings asked how I was doing with all of this. I told her that I am struggling a bit. I don't have survivor's guilt, but I do have a different kind of guilt. Because we have 4 in our group that are seriously struggling with lung cancer, I think I have no right to complain about anything. I am doing well. Yes I have challenges, but none of them are life threatening. Two of the four are on oxygen. I am watching all of them wane as they fight to live. And there I sit, lively and vital, and I just feel guilty about that.

I don't know what I'm trying to say. I am sad, teary eyed today, and just angry about something. I don't even know what. Well, I guess I kind of do. My Mom, Aunt, Uncle, Mom-In-Law, and Brother-In-Law died from lung cancer.

Yesterday I worked in a information booth for Gilda's Club. As people stopped by, they inevitably asked if I had cancer. I said I was a survivor, of lung cancer, and the immediate thoughtless questions was about smoking. Damn it. Maybe that is my rant today. No one deserves cancer. I spit out the statistics, hoping to educate, but still.................


I think I'll just end this, wipe up my tears and go scrub floors or something.

Sorry to be a downer today.....

Judy in MI

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Good morning, everyone. It's already 11:30 and the windows are still shut tight and no "air" flowing through, so I'm flinging open every window in our LCSC house and hoping lots of "air" passes through today!!!

Nothing much happening here today, just another day of work because I need another dollar to pay bills. I think I'm buying a lottery ticket tonight and hoping for the best!!! I would love to win just enough money to be able to retire. I wouldn't need a new house, new car, new jewels...just enough to pay off my house and keep the monthly electric, cable and phone paid. I find myself thinking of all the wonderful things I could so every day if I didn't have to go to work. I am so envious of people that have time to volunteer during the week. But...I'm afraid it's only dreams. At least today is Wednesday and that marks mid week...something to be happy about.

Has anyone looked into Dr. Oz's belly fat plan yet? I know we've been talking about it but I need to see the plan. I did go home and walk last night but not for my benefit. My little red doxie, Molly, as really put on a lot of weight lately and I'm hoping to get her to drop a couple of pounds. She is beginning to look more like a sausage than a hot dog...lol. She was completely exhausted after the walk, so we'll keep doing it until she gets used to her new training regime. Maybe, I'll burn some of that "belly fat" in the process.

So...who's your pick for DWTS this season? I recorded both Monday and Tuesday night's episodes and haven't been able to watch either of them yet. I tried last night but got interrupted twice by phone calls, so I'll try again soon.

Hope to hear from everyone soon.


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Sorry you're having a rough morning. I don't have anything to say that can make you feel better, so I'll just send some gentle hugs.

Go to the "other air" that I opened while you were working on this one and read about my fat little Molly and her belly fat. Might be good for a chuckle.

Feel better and don't scrub too hard!!!


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Good morning, everyone!

It was 62 degrees as I rode to work this morning. Forecast high is 93.

I haven't read what Dr Oz has to say about belly fat, but my experience is that the only way I get rid of it is by removing all other fat first, then keep on losing weight. If I add any weight, my belly is the first place it comes back to.

I now have a DVR that will record local channels, but haven't deemed anything worthy of recording yet. That may change if the Rangers make the playoffs.

Have a great day, all!

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Hi you guys, I'm sick of hearing about belly fat. Why don't we get a groupon for liposuction? Bud's method is the only one that works and we all know that. Sorry to also hear the sadness creep in. Then there's Kasey's great post to cheer people up.

Heading off to Chicago to a CTCA sponsored gathering. Can't wait to see what it's all about and visit the hospital there. Not much happening around here, hangin in there, hope you all have a good day.,especially you workers.

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Good afternoon everyone - where's Eric and Judy(kw)?

Judy(MI) - we can give each other hugs if that's okay.

My daughter is sending me "inspirational" texts about positive attitudes and such. Thank goodness she is trying.

I have much to do at work - and even though the clock is not turning very fast I'm not really accomplishing much. It's a pretty gloomy day outside - rainy and gray. I went to the grocery store yesterday after work - looking for something to try and stay on a low calorie input - I can't believe how many calories are in good stuff. And I couldn't find the label on the bananas so I think I can count those as zero...right? Of course - you would understand my philosophy on that if you knew that I always said that the second word on the ingredients of soda is "water" and that's good enough for me.

This is what we get for falling of the "Exercise Vicariously Through Bud" band wagon -

I better get back to work before my sense of humor really hits its stride.

Take care,


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Not sure what happened today - went to my QiGong class and just couldn't stay standing, so I sat down - and kept falling asleep! Thought about leaving, but decided I might as well take a nap with all that good Qi flowing around the room before I hit the road.

Home now, and awake (the latte may have helped as well as the nap.) Here I thought I was doing so well this round. Figure my blood counts must have hit bottom or something.

I'm assuming Bud merged all the airs. Thanks.

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Evening All! Yikes what a rough re-entry this has been. I can't go into details without depressing myself. I thought I'd better get onsite now because I have to get paperwork from the Dr's office at 8:45 am and then on to the hospital for labs and chemo. The KW hospital gives me so many fluids that I'm there all day.

On the positive side, I'm meeting a friend from my neighborhood for lunch at Geiger Key Marina Friday and my dear friend and massage therapist Maggie for lunch in town next Wednesday. Who says I don't have a life. Yippee! Lunching with ladies is my favorite passtime.

Judy, you are allowed to be sad. Sometimes it just gets to be all too much in the cancer arena.

Ann, good luck to you and Molly. My daughter has lost over 60 lbs and she started her weight loss walking her dog. I will research the belly fat thing but was busy doing real work in the computer this morning with printer problems to boot.

Bud, think you are right. I remember before my dx when I lost weight with WW. Think the belly fat was the last to go.

Allen, love the idea of a groupon for liposuction lol. Will look forward to hearing about your hospital event.

Annette, sounds like those inspirational texts are working. Your sense of humor is beginning to shine through. Oh, and the banana, I hear Weight Watchers has made fruit 0 points. They don't want people trading an apple (or banana) for something less healthy.

Stephanie, how alarming falling asleep like that. Will you have labs soon? Wish I could give you my Nulasta shot I'm getting Friday. Rest up and keep us posted on how you are doing.

Have a good evening everyone.

Judy in KW

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I just wanted to say that it's so nice to see so many of you posting! I've missed you. Coming here in the morning has become a habit (well most days :-)

Steph, I hope you follow up that issue with the docs! But love your sense of humor about the nap. You are adorable.

KW Judy I so agree about lunches with girlfriends! I love them too!

Eric is working out like 18 hours a day right? He has no time for us! LOL. I do miss his daily posts, but know he is extremely busy right now.

Bud, I saw a very sad news story tonight about the Texas drought. They were interviewing the cotton farmers, and those that process the cotton, and the millions and millions of dollars being lost due to the drought. So sad. I'm praying for rain.

R is at a visitation tonight in his home town an hour from us. He saw the buds he grew up with, and one, Gene, told him that his Mom was in the hospital and not expected to survive more than a day or two. Lung cancer. Then to our horror, we got a call yesterday that Gene's Dad died in his sleep at home. They are in their 80's but still, it's Mom and Dad. What a horrible time for them.

Well, it's time to have some belly fat.....er.....I mean dinner!


Judy in MI

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