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Saturday's Happy New Year Air


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Here’s to the outgoing year, 2011:

May the good times live on in our memories,

and may we learn lessons from the troubling times

that will make us stronger and better than ever.

Here’s to 2012:

For each and every one of you,

may it be filled with significant steps

toward the fulfillment of your fondest wishes.

In this coming new year,

let us focus on our goals and work toward our dreams,

and yet let’s all try to go with the flow a little more

and stress a little less.

And most important,

here’s to all of you.

Appreciate yourselves and each other in the new year

as I appreciate all of you now.

Let’s focus on each other’s good points

and choose to overlook minor annoyances

to create mutual happiness and contentment in 2012

Here’s to 2012: Enjoy the journey!


I found this little poem, and wanted to share it with you!

Wishing a blessed and joy filled New Year to all of us.

MI Judy

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Happy Hogmanay Everyone,

Having a quiet relaxing afternoon before tonights party at Brians and Janettes home tonight,just back from the supermarket with party goodies and drinkies,I bought some scrumptious Indian snacks,pakora,sumosas,bajjies? etc also mini steak pies.Taxi is booked for 8.30pm,I am so looking forward to tonight.

Margarets party last night in Blantyre was really good,everyone had a good time,Sally completely sober.I must be getting old,why do DJs have to play their music so loud?, that you have to shout to be heard,he never even took a teabreak to give me some relief,next time, I am going to take a set of ear defenders.

Our central heating has been on the blink these last two days,thank goodness the weather is really mild,we have got by with a couple of plug in heaters,the service engineer was here earlier,typically it needs a spare part he hasnt got with him,some kind of gas valve,fortunately he has ordered it online and he will pick it up tomorrow and return to fit it.

Thanks for the poem JudyMI,nice thoughts,wishing you and all our many friends here, a super New year,Bye.

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Morning All! Bud, I deleted two spammers just before I started the Air yesterday. Thank goodness he apparently wasn't online when I was. Sorry for the mess. I know what it is. I deleted about a dozen once but they were already there when I came online. Katie, I can't be sorrier for you. I've had shingles and it is the worst! I hope they give you good drug because the pain is hideous.

Judy, thanks for the poem. It was lovely. Eric, Sally stayed sober at the party, what about you? Sorry, I just couldn't resist. Hope you all have a good time at your parties tonight. We used to go to one--an old folks party that started at 6 pm and ended at 9 pm. I didn't mind at all. I haven't made it up til the ball dropped (on ABC in Times Square of course) for several years. Think I DVR'd it last year lol. Anyway, I digress, the male of the couple who had the party died this year. No one has stepped up to replace it yet. We will be stopping in early for a little open house a friend is having to show their Christmas decorations I hear are awesome.

Our little gatering was great last night. Just seven of us around the dining room table. I probably overdid the appetizers but no one would have to have dinner when they got home lol. It lasted about 3 hrs and that was just about as long as I could handle. I was really tired when it started!

Have a great evening all and Happy New Year if I don't get on early or at all tomorrow. If the wind lays down, we are going fishing. Happy day.

Judy in KW

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Hi JudyKW,

Just to say,I dont do drunk,I just hate that feeling of loss of control.As Churchill once said,"I always got more out of whisky than it did of me".

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Sorry about the shingles, Katie. It definitely wasn't any fun when I had it last year.

I just got home from fishing. The crappie didn't bite very well, but there were lots of white bass to keep me entertained.

Rose and I are going out dancing with another couple. We'll close down a bar. Happy New Year, everyone!

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last post of 2011 ! been a long work day in the restaurant bizness. Here is to a better 2012!!! Happy New year and see you next year!!

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