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i introduced myself quite a while ago, i've been around the board for months now but i really didn't want to post. i'm pretty much an observer. i'll just say that my name is Israel, i'm 22 years old and i'm from Florida. i've been out of school for a while now, but i want to enter pre-med school, i'm going to be an oncologist as i hate this disease so much.

i lost my grandfather last year to Lung Cancer and my grandmother was just diagnosed with it aswell. both of them huge smokers. this is really hard on my family.

i'm a very shy person and i decided i should quit being so shy, post on the board, try to learn from all of you and get my butt to work on being accepted at the pre-med school. i also want to quit smoking and i think the people in this board would really encourage me to do so.

so, hi to you all

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Welcome back Israel. So sorrry your grandmother also is facing this disease. Hopefully you will over come your habit so you won't pass this down to future generations. Kids copy you and ignore what you say when your actions are the opposite. So if Mom and Dad say "Don't smoke" if they continue to smoke , the kids take that as it is really OK to smoke. How is your grandmother doing? What kind of treatments has she had? Keep us posted. Good luck with your education dreams, we need doctors. Donna G

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Hello Israel,

Sorry for your grandfather, and hoping your grandmother

will get good treatments and stay around for a long time.

It is easy to say quit smoking, but the habit is hard to kick out of

your system, but you can do it, for yourself and the future.

Good luck


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Hello There Israel,

So sorry to hear that your Grandma is ill!

You sound like a very caring young man and I am sure you would make a great oncologist....and don't we need them!

I knew straight away that you were a shy person as you use a lower-case personal "I" instead of a capital. If I were you I would change to a capital right now, YOU ARE WORTH IT! Excuse me if I preach a bit, But I have spent a great deal of my life feeling shy and self concious, and let me tell you, you miss so many opportunities in life this way. So go to it , the world awaits you Israel. Please let us know how you are doing with your studies from time to time. I will be thinking and praying for your granddma and for you,

from another Grandma, Paddy

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Donna: thank you so much. i'll try to be a good doctor. :) my grandmother is just starting with a first round of chemo. cause of her age, the doctors don't really want to make surgery (she's 85 and just had a pacemaker put in) she is a very strong woman, i love her to death. i still don't know much about cancer, but i've been surffing through the internet tonight and found 'cancer.gov' very useful. i'm aswell going to the pre-med school library tomorrow as i'm going to apply to do the exam to enter there.

Bonoja: thanks, i'll try :)

Betty: thank you!

J.C.: thanks again. i'm trying to quit smoking. i promised my mother that this would be my last pack, but now that i smoked the last one, i can't wait till tomorrow to buy a new one. i'm awful, i know. i'm trying. do you know if nicotine patches really work?

Laurie: thank you! i love your photo! :)

Don: thanks man, i'll try not to be that shy :oops:

Paddy: wow, is writting the i like that really a sign of shyness? i didn't know that. i am very shy, i'm more an observer. i don't usually talk much, but i decided it was time to change that around here. thanks for your kind words, i'll try to be the best onc doctor!

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Israel, welcome!

According to my mom, the patches do really help. Also, if you have difficulties even with the patch, see a dr. about anti-depressants. Many people who smoke have problems with depression when they try to quit. You can do it! And your experience with tobacco addiction will make you an empathetic doctor when you tell your patients they need to quit.

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Hi Israel! welsome to this board. There are so many great people here that all share a common thread....lung cancer! Some are patients and some are family. I think it is wonderful that you are considering med school. This world certainly needs more C&C doctors (competent and compassionate). I really hope you can make your dreams come true. Sorry about your grandmother. My prayers are with you and her. I also am in Florida. What part of the state are you in? Don't be shy! We're really a very nice bunch!

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