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Our mom passed away last night


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Marlon I am so sorry to hear your mother lost her battle with this horrible disease! She is at peace now, and you were the best son any mother could have wished for! I have 3 sons of my own, and I know you gave her your all, and trust me she knew it too!! Just remember she will forever be in your heart! You were a great son!! I pray that god will help you through this time and lessen your pain!!

Take Care of yourself!! I will be thinking about you!


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I am so sorry for your loss. Please accept my condolences. I haven't been here very long but from reading all of your posts, you were a wonderful advocate for your mother. You may remember that we live very close to you. If there is anything that we can do to help, please let us know.


Mother in law(72yo) non-smoker being treated at the U of Chicago for


mets to brain, spine and hip


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I'm so sorry. Your experience sounds very similar to mine. I just went through the same exact thing last Monday night. I also was there with my mom holding her hand as she took her last breath. I never knew the true feeling of pain and hurt until the moment my mom got diagnosed. What a terrible year, huh? If you ever need to talk PM me anytime.

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