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Hi everyone, 


I posted this in 'Ask the Experts' but want to repost here in case anyone else has experience or advice! Thank you and I hope I'm not spamming or violating rules. Merry Christmas!


My mom is currently receiving Chemotherapy every 21 days (Pematrexed/Avastin/Carboplatin). She is 16 days out from her last treatment and has noticed red dots on her legs. From what I've researched it looks like she's exhibiting symptoms of anemia. She has also been very tired which has been normal at this point after treatment, but now I'm concerned that it is connected. How normal is anemia while a patient is in chemo and is it ok to wait for her bloodwork planned on Monday (4 days from now) to talk to the doctor or should we be on high alert?

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Hi Liz,

Not a medical person, but I think I would not wait until her next treatment to report any kind of unusual  symptom  I would make the call to the oncologist and have them decide whether or not she should come in-why take a chance?


good luck, and thank you for letting us know about those posts-I took care of them.



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