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My brains fried, but I'm going FISHING!!!


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Hi All !! :):)

Saw both my docs yesterday and got an update and changes to meds. Hopefully, I'll be awake this week for chat. :?

I completed 9 of 20 brain treatments so half way, thank God, and was told to expect to lose my hair next week, BUMMER, so I got a hair cut, YEA, makes no sense at all, Guess, I just want it to fall out right. :roll: I also picked up an upper respiratory infection so I'm being treated with Levaquin for that. I'ts been kickin my butt the last few days but think we got a handle on it. This is my third winter of being a 1 - lunger and everyone has been tuff with respiratory infections, but still very gratefull :) just winter SUCKS :x

So I asked my doc for a get away window so I could go fishin someplace warm. He asked where, I told em Central America :o He just smiles at me and says he likes my attitude and sets up another appointment for me to make sure I have all the meds I need before I leave. I reminded him of the family pic on the bridge in the rainforest that was taken 8 weeks after they took the lung. I really did well with this doctor. So looks like first week or so in March is doable to fish and fry the rest of the body. :shock: Can't wait!

Ohh, and for anyone that has been struggling with the pain meds and stomach problems, I have been taken off the vicodin and put on liquid Morphine. :mrgreen: .5 ML's down the throat, followed by a Hersheys chocolate kiss, klick yer heals 3 times and your not in Kansas anymore.

Anyway, enough is enough, I just gotta enjoy every damn day I can cause Gods been good to me, so I'm just gonna keep on keepin on!!

God bless us all,

Bobmc- NSCLC- stageIIB- left pneumonectomy- 5/2/01

MRI's taken 12/18/03 - 2 brain mets found- named em Frick & Frack

PET taken 1/5 - hot spot in mediastinum May be cancer??

"Absolutely insist on enjoying life today!"

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I have been taken off the vicodin and put on liquid Morphine.

:mrgreen: .5 ML's down the throat, followed by a Hersheys chocolate kiss, klick yer heals 3 times and your not in Kansas anymore.

Thanks for that great visual Bob! Made me laugh out loud! Glad you have such a great Dr, but I think the attitude is what really counts, and yours is great!



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I agree, I am all for the end of winter already! Hope you have a wonderful time fishing and frying! Wish I was going with you but it appears I get to spend my "Vacation" in Omaha in February, lol. Something WRONG with this picture!!!

Glad they got your meds regulated and you are doing well.

God Bless,


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Does this mean that when you come back from the fishing trip you're going to post a new photo of you with a fish THISSSSSSSSSSSS BIG? :) Hope you continue to do well with the radiation, and don't worry too much about losing the hair again. (After growing in enough that I can now actually claim fame to Male Pattern Baldness, many of the new hairs are falling out! Go figure...I think we should just buy stock from wig and hat manufacturers.)

Enjoy the day, in whatever way we can sounds like good advice to me.

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HI Bob,

I could never outsmart fish too well anyway so I should still be a pretty poor fisherman after all this zapping.Thought I would tell you how me and the family did the hair thing this afternoon.We had a hair pulling.LOL.I sat in a chair in the yard and my wife and kids pulled my hair out.It comes out so easy.They tried to style but not much to work with.We even taped the event.Should be funny at some point down the road.The hair loss happened so suddenly.This morning I realized that I could just pull it out by the handful.Not painful either.Now I look like a surfer with short bleached hair.The little bit of hair that is left is blonde.A whole bunch different from what it looked like yesterday.The kids had a blast making jokes about it.Have fun down south.But I wouldn't do the morphine and swinging bridges more than I had to.I think I tried that once long ago when I was working in southern Mexico.I didn't have cancer then either.I was experimenting.LOL.You really do have me in a fishing mood now.Might go catch a bass tomorrow.My sister has a great fishing pond.I caught one out of there last year and didn't have my scales with me.I did take a photo.The picture weighed 7 lbs.Enough rambling.Praying for y'all.TBone and family

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Bob, that fishing trip sounds wonderful. I think it really helps to have something like that to look forward to. A positive outlook goes a long way.Good luck with the remaining treatments.

This is my almost 3rd winter as a one lunger (removed Feb 12). I have been a little concerned about picking up a bug this year. Stay away from big crowds which was a good excuse to get my daughter to do my Christmas shopping as I felt crowded malls were not the place for me. Hope you get rid of the URI quickly. Glad your children could laugh with you about your hair. God Bless

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Bob - Keep planning those trips ... Its all part of that Positive attitude "thing"!!! AND IT WORKS!! You know just between "you and I" there is a way to "cut and paste" a picture of you with a really really big fish (just in case you don't catch the real thing). I swear to God, I will tell no one... its just between you and I.....

Keep up the great spirit.... Love, Sharon

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You got the right attitude to fight this beast. We are all cheering you on. I am with Sharyn, "Keep making plans for those trips." When I was very sick from treatment, Jack put a couple of chairs in the back of his truck and we drove out to a nearby pond. The bank was all grown up, and I swore that there couldn't be any fish in it. Sure enough, there certainly was. We sat in the back of the truck casting our rods to avoid the bugs and snakes! We caught several bass! Do go fishing and try to have some fun!


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Hey Bob,

Enjoy your fishing trip. Just remember how to get home, okay?

I know what you mean about respiratory viruses, but it gets better after the first couple years..... I've found it so anyway.

If you're doing the morphine ask the dr about extended release , they come in 15 mg tablets, not sure if it's smaller, but it works great for keeping the pain down. That and Vioxx work for me.

Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy. Send postcards!!



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Way to GO Bob!!! :):):)

I can't think of anyone other then everyone on this board ( :roll: ) can could use a good VACATION! Wish we could all go with you! Now, THAT'S WOULD BE A PARTY!!! :wink:

Being a one lung isn't the greatest when it come to upper respiratory infections, and DON'T I KNOW IT! Been there done that ONE TO MANY TIMES over the last 4, 5 years. Funny though, I never got one the first 4 years after my lung was removed, but NOW???? Oh well! Levaquin is some pretty strong med's, but I will tell you this, I had to have a back to back perscription of that stuff a year ago. I just couldn't kick that damn bug! Hope you feel better REAL SOON!!! Winter does SUCK on us ONE LUNGERS! Want to know how NUTS I am? Today it was -6 below in my neighborhood and I went shopping! And I'm a ONE LUNGER?! :roll::roll:



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I'm a supporter of two family members with cancer...and I'm ready to high tail it out of Kansas...

Three times right...kick my heals three times... :oops: lets try that again...three times..kick, kick and kick... :roll: I've heard "three times a charm".... :wink: Kick, kick, kick...oh heck, I think I'll just go fishing too.... 8)

Thanks for a lauph and a half.


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