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Hi! my name is Sharon but all of my friends call me Sam. I am 63 years of age, I have 3 children, 5 grandchildren and 3 (soon to be 4) great-grandchildren. I share a home with my husband Bob and our cat Grayson. I work part time for a Chiropractor. I was recently diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic adenocarcinoma of the right lung. My tumor tested positive for the ALK gene and I am taking Xalkori with no side effects so far (thank goodness). I have been taking it for going on 3 weeks now and will see my oncologist for follow up on August 7th. I have never had any other serious illness in my life until this point. I do not smoke and have never been a smoker however, I did live with a smoker (my ex-husband) for 35 years, so I was exposed to a lot of secondhand smoke. I am grateful to have some place to come to converse with others who have been diagnosed with lung cancer.

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Well met Sharon or Sam.  Sounds like you've got a wonderful family and lots to live for.


Unfortunately, somewhere between 15 to 25-percent of folks diagnosed with lung cancer are non smokers.  I was a smoker and my type and stage reflects my nicotine addiction.  My reading about adenocarcinoma validates your second hand smoke theory.  Regardless, you are in the club and I'd rather you not have joined!


I found writing about my experiences to be a tonic.  Indeed, I have a comprehensive chronology of 11 and a half years of treatment stories to look back on.


Stay connected.


Stay the course.

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Thank you Tom, I do have a wonderful life but as a Christian I know that it is temporary so I am prepared mentally and spiritually for what ever comes my way. I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this dreaded disease however, I am thankful for you sharing experiences and giving others hope where sometimes with lung cancer in particular it seems there is none.

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Hi Sam, 

It sounds like you have a great support team. That's fantastic! We are here for you too. How are you feeling? 


I want to share this video with you about someone who has a similar diagnosis 


LUNGevity also has the LifeLine service available to you as well. We can connect you with a mentor with a similar diagnosis for you or your caregiver to communicate with. Here is the link for more information: http://www.lungevity.org/support-survivorship/get-connected/lungevity-lifeline


Also, If you have any questions about navigating the message boards please feel free to send me a message. 

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