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Hi All, I am Pollyalison and have been diagnosed with lung cancer at stage four  I am being treated with Iressa targeted therapy and would like to hear from other people on this treatment.



Welcome here Alison.


I can't comment on Iressa target therapy because it is new science and I am an old survivor.  Both incidentally are good developments.  But the former shines because its yielded treatments that seem to produce dramatic results on folks diagnosed with late stage disease.  That is indeed wonderful.


I hope you keep experiencing positive results from your targeted therapy treatment.


Stay the course.




Hi Cindy and Tom,


I am feeling good.  last scan has shown that the nodes are now clear both in neck and chest and the spotting in left lung no longer visible.  Also the primary tumour in right lung has reduced in size so things seem to be going the right way.  Not suffering too many side effects either which is good.  Just received my medication for the third month, hope the progress continues.


Nice to hear from you both, thanks for the link.


Alison x




Keep riding that good news train!  With results like yours, who cares about side effects (well not really but you know what I mean...)!


Stay the course.



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