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radiation to brain


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Hi folks, its jquilts here. It's been a while since I was here. Previously, I wondered how the pulmonary doctor and oncologist could be so opptimisic that I was surgical without seeing the PET scan. They were wrong. The PET showed a large tumor, lymph node involvement and possibly an adrenal gland. I had my first chemo last Wednesday. On Thursday, I was not in good shape. Motor skill issues, mental issues. My husband took me to the oncologist in the afternoon, and he sent me home, but not before saying to me, "This is not side effects of chemo, what did you take?" By early Friday am, I was fading in and out of awareness, couldn't balance. An ambulance ride to the hospital and CT scan at the hospital revealed the cancer in a very swollen brain. I started full blanket radiation on Wednesday. For those of you have had the brain radiation, how soon am I going to start feeling the effects of the radiation and what will they be.


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I am so very sorry all this is happening to you!  I myself have no experience with brain radiation, however, I am sure someone will be here soon to help answer any questions you have.  My thoughts are with you and I hope to see some good news coming soon!  ((hugs))

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I have no experience with brain radiation.  But, I found a very good resource for you that might answer your questions.  Here is the link - https://www.lungevity.org/about-lung-cancer/experts-blog/podcast-from-webinar-with-dr-mehta-on-prophylaxis-management-of-brain


This is a pod cast and a written transcript from a true subject matter expert radiation oncologist in treating lung cancer brain mets.  I hope it answers your questions.


Stay the course.



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I have only had radiation in the skull it had not breached the blood brain barrier yet. However I lost my hair in that spot and did have some trouble with headaches with my radiation in the head. Sorry if this is not much help

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I am on day 6 of 10 brain radiation and the first day was really bad. My brain swelled and I got physically ill and a bad migraine for about 40 hours. That was a tuesday and I was started on decatron? the next day and was able to start back up with radiation the next monday and so far the only side effects are fatigue and eating a lot because of the steroids. Mt Dr wants me to stop the steroids but I really think its the only thing stopping the symptoms so Im not going to. I've only got 4 days left anyways. I stopped them over the weekend since radiation is only during the week but ended up with a bad headache and pain all over my body so started  back this morning and headache is gone. I hope things go well with you. Mine (brain radiation) is preventative as I went thru chemo/radiation for small cell carcinoma lung cancer (Just got done with treatment and am in remission now but scared of everything especially after researching on the internet, ugh) and it has a tendency to go to the brain from what my oncologist and radiation dr explained to me. Take care of yourself and hydrate a whole lot, its really important

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