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I have been sick on & off since right after Christmas. Chest x-ray in Jan showed pneumonia, repeat chest x-ray in Feb showed no resolution. CT scan with contrast showed right upper lobe nodule highly suspicious for malignancy. Went to pulmonologist & bronchoscopy was ordered. Biopsy & bronchial washings positive for adenocarcinoma. I am now scheduled for PET scan tomorrow.

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Hi Brenda.  I would ask how you are, but I know.  We all know.  That diagnosis will absolutely take you to your knees. But you will find members of this forum who are long term survivors of this crummy disease.  Do you know when you will get your PET results? Do you have a referral to an oncologist?  At the beginning, there are so many moving parts that it is easy to get overwhelmed.  Do you have someone who can attend appointments with you?  I found it better to have a second set of ears, in addition to the notes I took.  Let us know how we can help you.  

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Thank you so much for responding. I have PET scan tomorrow, but do not know when I will get results. I have not been referred to oncologist. I have family members who can got to appts. with me. I kept all of this to myself until I had to have bronchoscopy. My pathology reports showed adenocarcinoma in biopsy & bronchial washings. Does this mean I have cancer not only in mass but also lung tissue?

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Welcome here.

I'm not sure one can conclude the extent of metastatic disease from a biopsy and bronchial wash.  The PET will answer the extent of your cancer.

There is no good news about a lung cancer diagnosis but your type -- adenocarcinoma -- is the most treatable form.  New treatment methods are rapidly emerging for people with certain genetic markers in their cancer cells.  Read about targeted therapy here.  The first question I would ask of the doctor ordering your PET is if your biopsy material was sampled for genetic markers.

So you'll have a ton of questions to ask as you navigate the staging trail.  This is a good place to ask.  Many of us here are long tenured survivors.  Click on our profiles by moving the cursor over our names and get to know us.  Let us know the results of the PET.  Are you looking for an oncologist?  Here is some insight I published a while back giving suggestions for surviving a lung cancer diagnosis.

Stay the course.



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Hi, Brenda,

Welcome to LCSC. I am happy to see that you've already connected with Tom and Susan. As Tom mentioned, there have been many breakthroughs in research and treatment that are improving quality of life and survivorship. Please feel free to post your questions and explore some of the discussions on this site. You're welcome to join in on any of the conversations or start new topics that are personally relevant to you.

I am happy to help you find additional resources and support if you'd like. In the meantime, please know that we are here for you!

With gratitude,

Digital Community Manager
LUNGevity Foundation

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Hi Brenda, and welcome.  I've found this site to be a great place for infomation and support.

 About PET scans: my adenocarcinoma didn't light up the scan at all, probably because it was small and slow grriowing.Because of its location, it couldn't br biopsied without taking it (and a lobe of my lune) out, which was done. My surgery was VATS (laparoscopic) and my recovery was fast. 

As Tom G mentioned, it's important to find out about genetic testing of the tumor (also called molecular testing). 

Best of luck and hang in there!



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