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Looking for Data

Julie in SoCal

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Greetings, Friends!

Just found out that I have stage 3 adenocarcinoma with the EGFR mutation.  My awesome surgeon talked about chemo and radiation as coming next.   I'll talk with my oncologist on Monday, and we'll put together a plan, but I'm a researcher and so I"m looking for clinical trial report & results that show how effective various combinations of chemos are and what the best timing of chemo and radiation. Does anyone know where to look for these reports?  Or even a good summary of the reports would work.  Essentially I want to see the numbers in context.  Does anyone know where to look for these?

Thanks for your help,



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I'm iPhone teatherrd and can't link treatment specific information. Have you consulted Lungevity.org and the Lung Cancer 101 information. There is very good introductory information on targeted therapy and immunotherapy that should allow you to start your read in. 

After you digest this information, there is a clinical trial portion of the site that gives a good summary of current and emerging trials and results. 

Hope this helps. 

Stay the course. 


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Thanks Tom for the Post,

I've checked LC 101 and it's a good resource, but I'm looking for stuff a bit more specific. 

Unfortunately with 2 active primary cancers, I'm not good rattie material for clinical trials, but I'll check it for results.  Thanks for the tip!!


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Ok I can be a dope sometimes!  I didn't notice the footnotes in the lung cancer 101 section. I just read it fast.  it's the papers in the footnotes that I was looking for.  Thanks Tom for sending me back there!


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