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Mom's Cancer was staged incorrectly


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Hi everyone. Yesterady as my sister and I were battling with my mothers disability Insurance company (they have not approved her claim and she has gone unpaid since Oct. and now they just cancelled her health Insurance!!) we were going through her medical records. My sister got her entire file from the Dr. yesterday so that we could deliver them ourselves to the insurance company rather than wait any longer for him to get off his butt and do it. We both have authorization to see all of her records from her. Anyway, we were reading through it and saw that last month they decided that my mother does not have Stage IV. They have concluded after biopsies and all the scans that she actually has two completely seperate tumors, and have classified one as a stage 1 and one as a stage 2. My sister called the oncologist and the onc told her that what we read is correct, that the Stage IV was a mistake. No one ever told us that it had been restaged. SO we have been wondering why some surgoen would be operating when every indication we have seen is that Stage IV is inoperable. It is infuriating that we weren't told this. But , in looking at the positive side, it seems as what she has is better than her original prognosis. Is this true? Its very confusing to me to understand what haveing 2 tumors that are not the same cancer means. If anyone has an understanding of this, I would love for you to share it with me. Obvioulsy I can not count on her doctors to keep us informed.

Also, she finished radiation and chemo last Monday and has not been able to get out of bed. During the treatment, she did very well, and the week following it has been terrible. I am tyring to see if this is a normal physical response or if it is depressions. I should tell you guys that the way we discovered the cancer was that our family hospitalized her in October for severe depression. When they did pregnancy tests on her there to make sure she could take the antidepressants, they kept coming back positive, which I have learned can signify cancer. So they went looking for it and found it. But she was extremly depressed to begin with and then finds out she has cancer. So I am wondering if her depression is peaking again or if it is normal to be so fatigued the week following the end of radiation. (She went for 6 weeks Monday through Friday, and had Chemo every tuesday)

I know this is a lot to ask in one posting, but I would apprecaite and advice.



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It seems I've been doing nothing BUT learn about cancer since August, yet even so, I know I have only scratched the surface!!

From what I understand, although everyone has an individual response to treatment, your mother's symptoms would not be unusual. However, given her history of depression, I think it would be worth getting this checked out - is she on medication at present?

Also, congrats (I think!!??) on the new diagnosis. I think that pretty much any diagnosis is preferable to stage IV, as surgery may now be a good option. Good on you for keeping an eye on those docs, and being vigilant with your mum's scans and reports - my mum's primary tumour was missed by a radiologist when it was a small isolated spot on the lung 2 years ago, so we know all too well about the importance of checking and double checking and then checking again!!!

Hoping for all the best for your family.


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Hello Erin,

If the new stage is correct, Yes, I think your Mom is in a better position. I have read that a lot more can be done in the early stages.

My Husband was extremely depressed some months before his diagnosis. Our doctors thought that it was still the effects of the stroke he had some time ago. They wanted to step up his anti-depressents but I told them that I thought he was depressed "BECAUSE he was ill!" Of course they found this to be true-unfortunately. Anyway after the first chemo he began to feel a lot better and after six sessions he is now his cheery self again.

Maybe your Mom will pick up a bit now, knowing that the indications are more positive, I do hope so.

Prayers for you and your Mom,


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