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I was diagnosed with DCIS breast cancer right side, had a lumpectomy about 2 years ago.  It was during a CT scan at  that time, a nodule on the RT lung was found, hoping for something benign turned out to be Lung Cancer.   Adenocarcinoma, Stage T2aNoMo= 1b, I will be having surgery tomorrow a Rt. side Lobectomy.  I am happy that I found this form as it has helped some with the waiting anxiety that apparently comes with it.  I was grateful for the early Breast Cancer and doing well with that, now hoping this goes well also.  

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Hi, Red, and welcome!  Sorry about the diagnosis, but mine also was caught early (and wound up being staged 1b).  Do you know what the basis for the "b" is?  Size of the tumor or something else?  Mine was thought to be 1a, but was graded 1b due to possible pleural invasion (a matter of some debate in my case--my surgeon is convinced there was no invasion).  

The surgery shouldn't be too bad--are you having a VATS (laparoscopic) procedure?  I was in the hospital for only a couple of days, though I had to go back for a few more due to an air leak that caused me to swell up (not dangerous, but uncomfortable).  I had no chemo or radiation or anything else--I'm on a schedule of scans every six months.  My surgery was July 10 of last year, so I just had my second scan, which was good.

One tip about post-surgery comfort--if you have, or can get, a wedge pillow, you will sleep more comfortably in the first couple of weeks after surgery.  

Feel free to ask any other questions--this is a great group of people who have an impressive amount of collective knowledge and experience, as well as being a great place for support.


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The basis is for the size of the tumor.  Surgeon feels that no lymph nodes are involved.  I too will be having the VATS procedure.  Thanks for the feedback good to know maybe only in for a couple of days.  We will be picking up a wedge pillow, also read that on this forum.   

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Have you had a PET/CT scan yet?  That's usually ordered to look for potential metastasis (to lymph nodes or anywhere else it's likely to go, other than the brain).  It isn't foolproof, but it indicates where there's unusual levels of metabolic activity (cancer is an energetic little beast).  I felt reassured when my one suspicious nodule (the cancerous one) was the only thing that "lit up" on the scan.  If you haven't had one yet, it might be worth talking to your doctor about.

My bet is that you will find the surgery surprisingly easy.  I was driving and going out with friends a little over a week after my final release from the hospital (which was about a week after surgery).  I was feeling almost completely back to normal in a couple of months.  I missed only about three weeks of work total.

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Hi Red and welcome! 

I also had VATs lobectomy and my cancer was 1a. I was released from the hospital the day after surgery with a chest drain tube in place, whcih stayed there for about 10 days until my chest stopped leaking air. Like LexiCat, my recovery was pretty fast and I was walking around my neighborhood a few days after surgery. I hope your surgery is equally uneventful. Let us know how it goes.

Bridget O

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I have had a pet scan and lung biopsy, great to hear of a smooth recovery.  I'm surprise that you were out the next day Bridget, I'm told 3-4 days.  I will be shooting for the 3... 

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My surgeon would have sent me home the next day--I opted to stay one more because I live alone.  If I hadn't had the air leak, that would have been it.  I started to swell up before I was discharged, and the surgeon said it should go down on its own but to call him if it didn't.  It got worse, rather than better, so the day after coming home I had to go back in.  Apparently the problem I had isn't that common, but not that unusual, either.  

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The VATS surgery in February 2018 was so skilled. Their focus was pain relief so I could be mobile and do the breathing exercises. I had surgery on Friday, and I was released from the hospital on Sunday. Gabapentin helped with pain relief. Salon Pas lidocaine patches also helped. I needed pain relief for 3 weeks. The wedge pillow was uncomfortable for me. I used a bed reading support along with pillows to help me sit up. Prayers and soft hugs.

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I'm home from my surgery, which went really well.  I as usual had a bit of problem with the pain meds. nausea and dizziness once the drainage tube was removed, really did not need the pain meds.  Hopefully Tylenol and ibuprofen will be enough for me.  I had a great deal of apprehension going into surgery, so happy to have it done.  I will be have my tonsils out when I recover from the lobectomy.  There is also something their that needs to be looked at. Thank you all for you information it really helped with the anxiety.          Red 

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I'm glsd to hear it went well.  I found Tylenol and ibuprofen effective for  pain relief once my drain tube was out.

Bridget O

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I needed a little more pain relief, taking Garbepentin and using salon pas lidocaine patches.  Keep the pain away so you can be mobile and do your breathing exercises. I am glad the surgery went smoothly.

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Great news!  Yeah, narcotic pain meds and I don't get along.  They are OK when the pain is intense, but after a day or so they make me very nauseous.  I used only ibuprofen after the first couple of days.  Stick with your breathing exercises, and when you feel up to it try to get some MILD exercise.  I found that walking in the park as soon as I felt up to it, at a good pace that made me breathe deeply, helped a LOT.

I assume it will be a few days before you get the pathology report--that will provide most of the info needed to be sure of the treatment plan.

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