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Essential Oils

Rower Michelle

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Hi All, 

We had our first lung cancer support group today.  We had a total of three people, which I thought was great since it was -4 this morning!  The guest speaker was one of the nurse practitioners who has incorporated essential oils into their sarcoma practice.  Does anybody have any experience with this?  Frankincense?  DoTerra was the recommended brand.  Curious what you guys think. 


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I'm  a user of some complementary medicines (the "woo woo stuff"), so I'm not generally critical of this kind of thing,  but i am cautious. Two things I'm particularly cautious about with essenial oils. Michelle, you're probably aware of these issues, but some on these forums may not be. First, there are some websites promoting essenial oils as a "natural cure " for cancer and advocating for their use in place of conventional treatment. I  think that  this is a dangerous position and that " complementary' should be complementary to conventional cancer treatment and not a substitute. Second,  as to DoTerra specifically. it is a very big multilevel marketing company ( for us older folks, that's like Tupperware or Mary Kay)-. It's  sold by individuals who they call Wellness Advocates" and who may have parties or gatherings to promote it, or just sell to their friends. I believe there are ongoing rewards for Wellness Avocates who recruit new Welless Advocates. So I'd be curious to know whether the nurse practitioner who presented at your meeting is a Wellness Advocate. Also, DoTerra oils are really expensive and a person could spend a bundle on them. 

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Thanks for the feedback Bridget, very helpful.  I will ask the hippie doctor what he thinks about essential oils.  I've been seeing him for a few months and the subject has never come up (aka wondering if this is really snake oil!).  I'm investing a fair amount of moola into the integrative medicine and I don't want to do anything that would interfere with my treatment plan.   I've come this far with this awesome medical team so I'm not going rouge on them.   

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I'm pretty sure rouge is OK--gives you that rosy glow of health.  :)  Just don't go rogue with it.

(Sorry, been editing all day and I'm getting a little punchy.)

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