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My wife has Stage IV NSCLC, ADENOCARCINOMA. In the midst of chemo which is destroying her. Can anyone offer an alternative treatment, besides what's on YouTube?

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Hi, Angelo, and welcome.

I'm sorry about your wife's diagnosis and problems.  What do you mean when you say the chemo is "destroying" her?  I know chemo can be very unpleasant and quite debilitating for some people, but most side effects are temporary.  What kind of chemo is she taking?  How long has she been receiving it?  Where else has her cancer spread?  Has her cancer been tested for biomarkers?  Those are molecular indicators that specific cancers may respond to targeted therapy or immunotherapy, which may be easier to take, in some cases.  

YouTube is NOT generally a good source of information about cancer treatments--if you want to research alternatives, then stick with credible sources, such as medical journals.  

Glad you found us--this is a great place for information and support.  If you can give us a few more details then folks here who have similar experience or knowledge will be able to give you more specific suggestions.

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What types of issues is your wife having with her chemo? Is she also undergoing radiation? Chemo is tough - there's no doubt - but it still the best option for most of us.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, Angelo,

Just wanted to check in and see how you and your wife are doing?

Here is a link to information about different types of treatment for Stage IV NSCLC: https://lungevity.org/for-patients-caregivers/lung-cancer-101/treatment-options/treatment-options-for-non-small-cell-lung

Content in LUNGevity's Lung Cancer 101 website is reviewed and approved by the LUNGevity Education Editorial Board, consisting of pulmonologists; medical, surgical, and radiation oncologists; pathologists; and physician assistants from leading institutions, as well as experienced patient advocates. 

Has your wife had biomarker testing? For some kinds of lung cancer, comprehensive biomarker testing may provide information on whether there are changes in the cancer cells that can be treated with targeted therapies or immunotherapy. These therapies can be highly effective for patients with treatable biomarkers. You can find more helpful information here: https://lungevity.org/biomarkertesting

Please post an update when you can. We are here for you.

Digital Community Manager
LUNGevity Foundation

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