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First Post Lobectomy Cold


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I’m almost 8 weeks out from an upper right lobe lobectomy.  I’ve been terrified of getting any kind of repository infections or colds.  Unfortunately I caught a cold.  Three young kids and a teacher wife, my days were numbered.   I have to say as with a lot of this experience it’s not as bad as I was worrying it would be.  I’ve got a lot of sinus congestion and tons of coughing from a post nasal drip.  Lungs are generally clear.  The coughing hurts a little, but just a little more than it would normally.  All the coughing actually feels like it is strengthening my lungs (looking for the positive).  I’ve taken some musinex but stayed away from the cough suppressants   I want to make sue I’m coughing up anything getting into my lungs.

I’m adding colds to the list of things that didn’t change much after surgery for me.  They suck just as bad as they did before surgery.  

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Hi Curt-

Wow- given the odds I’m surprised you made it this far without the creeping crud.  At the risk of sounding like a tree hugging hippie- you might want to consider diffusing essential oils at night.  DoTerra makes something called On Guard. We added some Frankensence with orange oil in the evening. My cousin also uses this with reported good results.  

We have a nurse at the clinic that runs classes which she believes is vital for the immune system. Either that or a simple humidifier will help plus lots of green tea.  

Get well soon!! 


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Green Tea.....I don't know how it works...but, nothing works better for the lungs after a lobectomy...I've had two...and each time...it was Green Tea that was my miracle...The real stuff … if you have an Asian Store close by....can't hurt to try it. Cheers !

…..and just to let you know...it does get better !

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