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Tecentriq Immunotherapy for SCLC Coming to Canada


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I've been in touch with people at CADTH (Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health). They're patient advocacy group that reviews drug evidence and recommends Canadian Provinces to fund it (or not to fund it). While Tecentriq is available in the U.S., we still don't have it in Canada.

I was told that they will make a decision on Tecentriq in July (if everything goes according to plan). Update status on their decision can be viewed here https://cadth.ca/tecentriq-small-cell-lung-cancer-details

Let's assume they recommend public healthcare funding for Tecentriq immunotherapy for extensive stage small cell lung cancer, then it will take "many months" for Provinces to negotiate prices with the drug manufacturer. So, let's say it takes another 6 months (hopefully not more), but Tecentriq should be available soon (if everything goes according to plan).

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