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How frequently should we be scanned?


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Just got back from my oncology appointment .  He told me that I can now go to having scans every 6 months.  I had one in January that detected the cancer, and then one in May that was clear.  I feel nervous about waiting 6 months at this point.  I'ms stage 2A, had a lobectomy and 4 rounds of chemo.  Shouldn't I be every 3 months for a year and then go to 6 months?  

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DX stage 2A, resected lung cancer and 4 rounds of adjuvant chemo: that sounds like a combination tailor made for 6 month follow up.  

Three month scans are generally for those DX'd at later stage or found NED after non-surgical treatment. The difference is the level of confidence of the treatment. Surgery relies on the pathology to ensure clean margins and adjuvant chemo to sweep blood and lymphatic systems and these together yield a high confidence outcome.  Less so is chemo/radiation or chemo alone. There is no visual assurance to rely on. Therefore after a NED result from chemo/radiation or chemo alone, the scan interval is normally 3 months.

Take advantage of your high confidence treatment and go forth and surf the NED.

Stay the course.


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