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New symptom this week


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Finished a round of chemo a week ago Thursday and received Neulasta on Friday. I did feel the effects of the Neulasta primarily lower back and spine, a pulsating sensation that increased in intensity. Wasn’t a true pain, but concerned me that something might rupture. That was only for a day or two and was very intermittent. The new symptom is that every day I start to feel queasy at the same time, about 4:30 pm. Didn’t have this symptom the week after prior chemos. Taste has improved and eating whatever, gaining weight back. Wondering if this could be a part of the Neulasta effect or am I developing a sort of PTST, since I have one more week before chemo starts again. Taking Ativan for it which does help and doesn’t have that mouth drying effect that phenergan does. Thanks all. Blessings.

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Hi Isabelle,

The other chemo warriors might have a better answer however it seems to me that the timing of the queasiness is correlated to a chemo side effect, not PTSD. 

You could try brewing your own ginger tea by taking gobs of fresh ginger, two tablespoons of fresh lemon juice with a little bit of organic honey over 8 cups of boiling water. Makes a nice iced tea. 

How many more to go at this point? Lock and load that wedding is coming up soon!


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Thanks Michelle. Will get some ginger tea, love ginger. At this point one more round of chemo, unless next scan required a change. Yes that wedding is real soon, 2 months to go!!! Blessings

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Hi Isabelle,

Hope your side effects have been getting better.  I wanted to recommend Ina, it's a new personal nutrition assistant.  You can text dietary questions and get a response anytime day or night.  Here is how to get started:  https://lungevity.org/for-patients-caregivers/support-services/meet-ina®-your-personal-intelligent-nutrition-assistant 

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