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Thank you and I am interested in being a support and ;getting some support for stage 3 b NSCC. I am in treatment now after CRT, and get IV durvalumab every 2 weeks. CT scan tomorrow with anxiety, results not for another week.


Kate I hope your results  show good results.  I am a Stage 3B  survivor now for 21 years !

Please keep us posted.

Donna G


OMG that gives me such hope! So happy that I have found people that support are care about each other! Thank you, Donna! It means a lot to me.


Hi Kate.   Welcome. You’ve found a great place to do both give and record support.  


Welcome, Kate! If you would like peer-to-peer mentoring with someone who has gone through similar treatments, the information for LifeLine is here: https://lungevity.org/for-patients-caregivers/support-services/peer-to-peer-mentoring/lungevity-lifeline  It is free through LUNGevity and you are matched with a mentor and can talk one on one by email or on the phone.  


Hi Kate,

Welcome to the forum and sorry that you need to be here.  This is a great group of folks; a family if you will and you'll fine much experience, stories of survival and a soft place to land here.  



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