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Mom is acting all confused should I be worried?

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After this morning, I am beginning to wonder if my mom has had her stage4 non small cell lung cancer metastesize to her brain. She was really confused last night and again this morning. Today was especially bad. We were to go see our lawyer at 1:30 this afternoon and she got herself all dressed and ready before 10. Ok thats not too weird, but she got her portable oxygen tank out and started messing with it. (She is on 4- 4 1/2 liters at all times). When the oxygen cyllander is almost empty, we open it up and blow the oxygen out to completely empty it. She did that and then started messing with her hoses. She was on her home oxygen and then started trying to put on her portable, which she didn't need to do yet. I tried to correct her with humor, but she didn't get it. Then I used straight forward talk to try to get her to understand and she still didn't get it. She somehow got the portable hose on and then was upset because she thought the home oxygen wasn't working because she wasn't getting any air. I finally went over to her and had her take the hose off, took the portable and put it out of her reach and had her put the home oxygen hose on. She said she just put a fresh tank in the portable, (which she hadn't done), and couldn't understand why it wasn't working. I went to take the tank out, and she had left it unscrewed. I pointed it out and then she started to try to joke about it. When I point out to her that she is doing things like that, she gets all defensive, and argues that she is not confused. I realize that the days are blurring into each other, but should she be this confused? She is always asking odd questions like asking where my daughter is during school hours etc. What should I be looking for as far as mental status? Is it always a foregone conclusion that it will metz to the brain? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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It could be nothing....could be drug side effects/interactions....could be brain mets....could be early onset Alzheimer's. My grandmother's first signs were confusion and repeating the same question over and over (her favorite was "time to eat?")

Advances have been made in controlling the effects of Alzheimer's and there are some medications to slow the progress if caught early.

Whatever the case may be, you really should contact her doctor ASAP and express your concerns with her actions....

Good luck, hoping for the "nothing"!


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So sorry you are worried about your Mom....When my Mom acred this way she needed a blood transfusion...I thought brain mets too... blood carries oxygen to the brain! She also could have severe dehydration...I would take her in and have her levels checked.

Hugs to you and Mom


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Ditto to what the others have said. There are a number of things that could be causing this confusion. That kind of confusion can be real hard to deal with for all concerned so it's best to get to a doc and find out exactly what's going on and, if possible, get it treated.


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Dear Leslie1961,

I agree with the others not to automatically think the worst re: you mom's confusion. I would like to suggest some more reasons such as a low O2 saturation, an abnormal blood sugar(low of high) and perhaps anemia. I would get in touch with her doc because it is a new symptom.

Am praying for you both.

God bless us all,


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One other thought, prior to the actual Alzheimer's setting in, my grandmother had a VERY confused episode, ending up with my father taking her and grampa to the emergency room in a blizzard. She couldn't remember from one minute to the next and the two men were scared...

So, the hospital did blood test after blood test and noticed that she was a quart low in the potassium department... A banana a day keeps the doctor away, after all...

Saw this a second time with my grandfather (other side of the family) recently....

It could all come down to your mother being a banana split short of nirvana... :wink:

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I see that Rochelle had the same thoughts I did -- dehydration.

I'm not sure if your mom is currently undergoing chemo? During my chemo/radiation treatments, I was dehydrated often and would feel lightheaded, headachy and "fuzzy".

I hope you can get to the bottom of the problem quickly and your mom will feel like her old self in no time!


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I agree with Katie B Leslie, there are so many things that could be causing your Moms confusion. Best to make sure the doctors/oncs., know all the facts and let them work it out. You will just worry yourself to distraction if you try to do it yourself. It could be something minor that can be treated easily,so don't let your imagination take flight until you know for sure. Prayers for you and your Mom coming your way,


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Also have them check your mom's oxygen saturation. Unbalanced blood gases do strange things. Sometimes too much oxygen can cause that unbalance. Also some Bensodapines are the culpret. If she is taking Ativan make sure to mention it to her doctor and ask about that. Maybe something not as strong will work better. Ativan is well known for causing the oposite effect that it is supposed to in some cases. Just worth checking out these things with her doctor. Good luck I hope you find the answers you need soon. Those mental and emotional problems can be debilitating and frustrating especially for the caregiver.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep, I was going to say dehydration, low blood, heavy duty meds, and also oxygen level. My father's right lung is shot and he is not moving around a lot and they told us that he might not be getting enough oxygen to the brain so he should take deep breaths, theyve prescribed a breathing mask to help too. My father did have brain mets back in November, but this was not his symptoms.

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