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Medical Marijuana

Grace Ann

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I use gummies and tinctures. 1:1 THC and CBD. I depend on it for sleep. Haven’t found it to help with pain. I read you may need 15 mg of THC to work on pain. One gummy is only 10 mg of THC and 10 mg of CBD.  Best of luck!  Update if it helps you

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I have dry mouth since the beginning. I can’t eat certain things. I believe the cannabis helps since I am eating much better.    I don’t feel hungry but I eat what’s on front of me

Leafly.com is a site that gives you dosage suggestions 

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He Grace Ann..   In Sept. 2016 when I found out I had stage 3a lung cancer I started taking 1000 mgs of oil a day in caps. 333 mgs of pure CBD in the morning, 333 mgs of 1/2 thc and 1/2 cbd at dinner time and 333 of thc at bed time, 8 hours apart. A theory is to take as much as you can as soon as you can. After chemoradiation I was NED for 2 years and had a recurrence that put me in stage 3c. I did the same thing and got the same results of NED. Now on Durva. for 3 more infusions. I had no side effects except fatigue, no pain, no loss of appetite, no sleep loss, no neuropathy.. did have some hair loss. I now use a tincture of CBD 200 mg. in the morning and 200 THC at night.  If you do a search for Cure Your Own Cancer you will find more info. If you use tincture start with a low dose and increase until it works for you. 

Good luck on you journey...

"A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory."

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Thanks, Tomm. What is NED? 

We are looking to support a family member more so with the pain, sleep management and appetite.  What is the most reliable resource on the WWW?

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  • 3 months later...

I am a Stage IV patient and tried it for several months once I was "off treatment" (Immunotherapy/Opdivo), but sadly I have not found that it has been helpful for my pain.  I also have Fibromyalgia and Degenerative Disc Disease which are chronic long term pain conditions.    I'm currently awaiting my second hip replacement surgery and the pain is pretty brutal, and I'm sick of taking pain meds, I've been on a Duragesic patch for a few years, but I do not want to increase the dose and at this point, I believe my body had adjusted to this dose and that is not it's no longer very effective.  I had been on other "pill" pain meds prior, but don't like the side effects of many and found the patch was a much better option.  It was first prescribed by a Palliative Care MD (prior to my cancer diagnosis) and was a life saver for a long time.   Because I've had pain for years, I can also no longer take Aspirin or Nsaids, so it's been a challenge.  I got my State MM Card  when first diagnosed in 2015, and briefly tried it for nausea and such.  Then when I moved on to Immunotherapy it stopped it because there had been a study that found it "may" lessen the effectiveness of Immunotherpay and I did not want to risk that possibility, especially since it wasn't overly effective for me.   

I then let my card expire, but renewed it last year and starting going to a different dispensary, but they seemed more focused on Recreational folks and did not have as much to offer for Medical patients.   I also found it was difficult to even know what to try and I relied on the people as the Dispensary, but even they did not have a lot of knowledge.  i would NEVER smoke or vape Cannabis with Lung Cancer, so I tried a variety of Edibles and Tinctures and started slow.  Mostly Sativa Based products to avoid any added anxiety and although I did find it helped some with sleep, I never had good pain relief even as I slowly increased the amount and added my THC (versus CBD).   We have a new Dispensary opening here soon and I'm thinking I may retry again once it is open and hope maybe this dispensary may have people who can better assist me.  I renewed my card in February just before Covid and and then did not even want to consider going out.   

I do HOPE you'll do better than I did and hope you'll share your experiences.



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I’ve been told by another medical user that you need Indica strain for pain relief.  I have indica 10mg THC. One full gummy helps with sleep but not much for pain

Good luck

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Hi Grace Ann,

I'm Claudia and was diagnosed with stage IV NSCLC January 2019. I had a lot of trouble sleeping and eating while I was on chemo (I am now on Keytruda only). I also had a lot of pain due to an arthritic shoulder which I was all set up to have a replacement surgery for. Well, my pre-ops showed a mass in my lung and the surgery had to be put off due to the LC. I stopped smoking the day I got my diagnosis and started baking brownies from a recipe that I picked up on youtube that uses the actual flower. OMG, that helped me so much. I was able to eat and it really helped my shoulder pain. I did end up having the shoulder replaced but I'm still eating brownies. It really helps me with nausea (side effect from Keytruda) and definitely helps me sleep. I only eat a small piece a few hours before bedtime and I sleep like a baby. BTW, as Lin wilki said above I use the Indica strain. Good luck and I hope your pain subsides. Peace and light, Claudia 

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When I was on immunotherapy lots of folks told me marijuana reduces the effectiveness of it

I stopped my gummies and tinctures until I progressed on immunotherapy and then started chemo. Back to my tinctures.  Now on Kadcyla and I take ibuprofen and 1 norco at nite. Sleep great and pain is now somewhat manageable 

Its trial and error to find what helps you. Good luck!

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Lin Wilki -  There was one small study done back in 2017 (https://www.oncologynurseadvisor.com/home/cancer-types/general-oncology/cannabis-reduces-response-rate-to-immunotherapy-for-cancer/) - that did find that MM may lessen the effectiveness of Immunotherapy/   I stopped it prior to that and even before I moved on to Immunotherapy primarily because it  It wasn't really doing much for me.   Immunotherapy had just been FDA approved when I first went on it (after progression while on chemo) and I was the very first patient at my hospital to go on Immunotherpay, so it was like being in an extension of the clinical trial and I did not want to take any chances of it potentially not working?    I'm very thankful it worked amazingly well for me and I truly feel it saved my life.  

As for the types of MM, I have tried both Sativa and Indica, but Indica tends to make me feel kind of anxious and keeps me awake, so it was not the best choice for me.    I've also tried both CBD and CBD/THC and even Hybrids in a variety of ways.   I do NOT want to feel "high" or drugged, and because of that I started on very low doses was was maybe too conservative.  I just do not like feeling high.   I've even tried ointments and salves and those too did not do a thing.  I know for some it works and works well, but that was not my experience.  Before I had my MM card I even used the CBD you would purchase at a health food store and had no relief.    Plus, as you know it's expensive and after investing hundreds (between the cost to getting certified and trying various types, I felt like I had spent far too much for no relief.   I'm not totally giving up on the idea - still waiting for this new dispensary to open and that they may be abel to provide more guidance.

Best wishes to you,



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I haven’t used my tincture or gummies since the Norco is helping. I do need to do recertifications  at end of summer and just not sure if I will
If you find something helping you let me know! 
Pain management is tricky for sure


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