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Let's have a virtual coffee date!


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Hey everyone, since everything is cancelled/postponed and everyone will be spending more (if not all) time at home, let's pick a time to come on and talk.  I can start a new thread on Mondays and we can decide on a time that works well for everyone to jump on and talk about ANYTHING.  Please let me know what time would work best and what time zone you are in and we can get started next week!

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Great idea Kristin!  I would prefer sometime Monday morning if coffee is involved, but I’ll agree with the majority.  I am in CDT.  

Thanks for your efforts,


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Great!  I'll check in over the weekend to see if anyone has any specific time requests and we can do this as often as we like.  We can decide later if we want daily threads or if once a week is good and then check in on that post. :)

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1 hour ago, LUNGevityKristin said:

Hey everyone, since everything is cancelled/postponed and everyone will be spending more (if not all) time at home, let's pick a time to come on and talk.  I can start a new thread on Mondays and we can decide on a time that works well for everyone to jump on and talk about ANYTHING.  Please let me know what time would work best and what time zone you are in and we can get started next week!

Hey and sounds like a plan! Being in the house most days with compromised lungs is not exactly what I hoped for, but it is what it is! I'm in!

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I LOVE this idea!  Monday am’s work for me as well.  I’m in the Central Time Zone & taking an inhibitor which makes life a little tough before 8amCT.  

My LiveStrong program was put on hold today.  I suspect the yoga & Tai chi will soon be canceled but I voluntary self isolated this week.  

I’ll be flexible for which day of the week works.  

We’re tub thumpers, get knocked down but we will get up again. In some ways having this stupid disease makes all of us more resilient than the average Joe.  



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Great idea though I can't make it for coffee hour this morn.....all the best for your virtual roundtable


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