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Haven't posted in a while.......update on Dad

Angie Daughter of Bill

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My last couple of weeks has been pretty crazy. My Dad has had several oncology appts. He was supposed to decide if he is going to do carbo/taxol chemo on a 21 day cycle. So now, he has finally decided that we start chemo onThursday morning. On top of all of this, I get a note from my daughters school nurse. The nurse stated that Caitlin need to have a vision screening. so..............I take Caitlin to get an eye exam.....her vision IS poor, but she is not getting glasses right now. The optometrist then tells me that my daughter needs to see someone who specializes in the retnea of the eye. At this point , I got a little nervous. She proceeded to tell me that Caitlin has ''significant swelling of her right optic nerve and slight swelling of the left optic nerve" "The inflammation could be caused by a virus, something pressing on the optic nerve????(TUMOR) optic nerve swelling is also one of the first symptoms noticed in multiple sclerosis"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, you see, getting prepared for Dad's chemo and Caitlin's appointment on Wednesday, I haven't been able to get here much, but I do think of you very much throughout the day.

I thought that my Dad's lung cancer was the worst thing that can happen to me, but if my baby ,Caitlin, age seven, has to go through a lot of tests.... :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: I just don't know how I will do it.

If any of you have personal experience with optic nerve swelling, please send me a personal message. Just because I haven't been here, doesn't mean I'm not thinking of you all!!!


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Good to hear Dad's coming back fighting!

As for the little one, let's just hope it's a virus and easily treated...not lots of test, just a few follow-ups to "be sure" and nothing, NOTHING invasive or painful!

Keep bailing that boat! Let me know if you need an extra bucket, looks like your little sea is getting turbulent. Maybe it's just the wake of a power boat and you can get back to smooth sailing soon...


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hey angie,

i am glad to hear your dad is starting chemo. to me when mom and dad got the chemo in them for the first time i could take a deep breath. I knew there was something happening to try to kill their cancer. I didn't know if it would work or not but something was being done.

i don't know anything about your daughters eye condition. did you try doing internet searches about it?

have bland foods in the house for him after chemo starts. toast, palin chicken, broth, water, juices, ice cream and make him take the anti-nausea meds religiously. if he waits until he is nausea its too late to help much.

also maybe a heating pad if he gets joint pain.

good luck to you both.

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I was happy to hear from you as I had been thinking of you and your dad. I am keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers--and now Caitin too. I wish I knew info about the swelling, but I don't. I just want to let you know that you are all in my thoughts. I don't post to every message like I should--so anyone reading this--please know I care about you all deeply.


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It is so very hard when something is wrong with our babies. My son had to have a surgery onhis eyes when he was about 4, it was to help correct lazy eye, it ws very hard on his mom and i even though it was very minor procedure.

angie,know that your Dad, daughter and you are in my prayers. DavidA

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Hi gang! (my second family :wink: ) Thank you so much for the kind words, thoughts and prayers. I am feeling much better about my daghter's appointment tomorrow as wel as my Dad starting chemo. I have been so worried about both of them. God has blessed me this week....our church is having revival this week. (My spirit was in desperate need of revival) Our whole church had special prayer for Caitlin and my Dad..........afterward, I had such peace about EVERYTHING. I feel so much stronger. Between my church family, my biological family and my lung cancer family........prayers have been heard and answered. (for strength and peace for my family) Late at night when the tears are ready to flow, I come here and read replies. It brings me lots of comfort. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!! Much love to all of you!!!!!!!!!


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