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PET and Brain MRI tomorrow


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We are counting down to possible surgery........we saw the surgeon on Monday and he wants a final PET and Brain MRI. If those are clear, on March 4th my mom gets her upper right lobe removed. The surgeon said her response has been "abnormal" in that the tumor shrank quite a bit.

I am FREAKING out about PET and Brain MRI, but my mom is calm about that and more worried about surgery and clot filter. She thinks that if the PET and Brain MRI showed the deamons confined to the chest in Nov, and she has been on chemo and doing ok and abdomen CT was clean, these are just routine. I on the other hand probably do need to be committed to a mental ward :)

Also if we get the all clear on Tues she will get a filter put in through groin area for blood clots.

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Hi Andrea,

Ok, so her "abnormal" shrinkage is a good thing! Keep that in mind and hang tough. I know how stressful the next week will be for you, my mom is also scheduled for her scans next week.

Keep us updated and no worrying just yet!

Saying many prayers for you and your mom!



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Sounds like a wonderful response!!

The diagnostic tests are nothing to get upset about, truly, I have had dozens of MRIs and CTs. They never did any PETs on me, and so they won't start now.

My tumor shrank, and when they took it out, it was DEAD. And I don't think it shrank as much as your mom's sounds like it did.

Try not to worry ahead, it doesn't help.

Prayers for your mom's surgery next week.



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Throughout this whole thing you have been one step ahead of the process. I'm so glad to hear the tumor has shrunk, what awesome news! Give yourself a break (I know it's easier said than done)...I wish you lived closer so we could share a bottle of wine and watch the game together tonight.

Go Kings!

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Dear Andrea,

I think it is great news your mom's tumor has shrunk so much! I will keep her in my prayers for good news from her MRI and PET scan. Test times are dreadful and the anxiety can be overwhelming, don't forget to do something for yourself and try not to make yourself sick with worry.

My mom had the "screen" put into her groin area too to catch the blood clots, so far so good!

All my best to you! Hugs.


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Dear Andera,

I just wanted to add a my prayers to the already list of prayers for you and your mom and family. That is great news that the tumor has shrunk. :):) I was a STAGE IIIA-B and look at me my dear, I'm still here soon to be 9 years after dx.s. :wink: I'm cheering for your mom.

Will wait to see you post in the GOOD NEWS FORUM about a clear PET and MRI scan.

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