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Good News Maybe


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I don't want to jump the gun but I may have some good news soon. I got a call today for an interview. The small hotel here where I live needs some help. I applied for the job. Sense they contacted my references and have me scheduled for an interview it sounds promising.

I need a job and this one so close to home is ideal for me. I just hope they will work with me for the time off I need in June for my granddaughters wedding. There is no way that I can miss that. I do plan on telling them about it during the interview. I want to make sure that I am honest with them about everything.

Please wish me luck and keep me in your prayers.

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Good luck with your job search... I know it is not easy. I have been looking for a job since October with no luck so far - but, the way I look at it, things will happen when they are meant to happen. Not a moment before... so for some reason, I am suppose to be home right now. Let us know how you make out. love, Sharon

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I just want to thank everyone for your prayers and support. I think I have a pretty good chance at this job. With all of you wonderful loving people behind me how could I miss?

My one concern is that they work with me for the time I need for my granddaughters wedding. If not well I guess I will just have to wait and see. I know that if it is meant to be it will. Again thanks to all of you. Lillian

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Oh yes my granddaughter is 21. I have 2 grandkids that will be 18 this year. I also have 2 13 year olds, 1 that is 12 and one 7 the baby is not quite 3. I just turned 60 a couple of weeks ago.

When Johnny was alive I was so happy that I didn't look my age. Not so before or sense then.

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Lily, I just know you will get the job. Anyone who meets you must realize how special and giving you are. I personally want to thank you for being here each and every day. I look forward to reading your thoughts and your "just for laughs." Thank you, Thank-you, thank you.

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You go girl!!! Good luck with this interview!!! They have absolutely no idea what a valuable asset you can be to their business....so....razzle, dazzle and wow them.....just like you do us with every post!!!!!

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I just want to let you all know that the interview went great. They didn't say for sure that I have the job. They have a couple more aplicants to interview. I was told that my refernces were fantastic and I could tell that they like me. They said they are always willing to work with their people so time off for the wedding would be no big deal. It is doable. I really feel good about this just hope that I am not setting myself up for a big let down.

The hotel is really a bed and breakfast and so old and charming. Being a history buff I had to see everything. I can just imagine myself going there everyday. It is so wonderful that I doubt it would feel like work at all.

Any way I am at least half way there and should know for sure in the next two days. So I ask for your continued prayers and support. By the way anyone of you that is every looking for a neat secluded place to spend a few days and really feel close to God and nature this is the perfect place to do it. You would love the charm and wildness here.

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I'm waiting to hear, too, and praying you get the job. As you said, if it's meant to be, you'll get it. If not, it's their loss, and it just means there's something even better out there for you. I can tell how much you want this, though, so I really, really hope you get it! You'll have to tell us where to come, so we can start planning our vacations to visit you!


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I put off writing this but sense some of you have asked I guess it is time. I got a call this morning. They gave the job to someone else. As you can guess this has not been a good day.. :(

I think I knew when they hadn't called me by yesterday. What really upsets me is that they acted like they were going to hire me. As if the other interviews scheduled were just routine. Told me that my references were fantastic and didn't see any problem with me being able to handle the work. They even said they would work with me for the wedding.

Maybe I am being overly suspecious because I have seen so much lately but I think I know what happened. They are not allowed to ask your age on an application. I think when someone came that was qualified and was younger that made the decision. She said that they found someone who had more of the skills they need.

I have been working for over a year to try to make people realize that just because someone gets old or sick doesn't mean that they have no more value as a person. The problem is up until now I thought of it as helping others. This is the first time that it has hit home that I am one of those older people that I talk about.

So that added to my most recent slide down that old tube that is always waiting to swallow me. Now I just have to find a way to pick myself up again. The seat of my pants are getting worn from always having to dust them off. Anyway because of all of that I chose to stay off of the computer most of the day. This is the first time I have been here today.

I turned to my old standby friend that is my best crutch when I get down, work, not just any work but hard work. I did what I have meant to do sense I moved in here. I took the top of the stove off and then the burners and scurb, scrub, srubbed. Now it finally looks like my stove at least that part of it. The oven and broiler get their turn tomorrow. I did manage too to get my granddaughtes quilt finished. I started it before Johnny started with the anxiety then put it away for months. Now at least I can say that I acomplished something even if it doesn't earn me a living.

I want to think all of you again for your prayers and special comments. That means so much to me. You are all such wonderful people. God Bless all of you. Now I just have to tell myself that this happened because something better is coming. Making myself believe that is another story.

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Lillian---so sorry you did not get the job --- what a disappoinment for you----

I honestly think things sometime happen to good people for a reason---perhaps you are "slated" to get a much better job, which would not come up, if you had taken that job.

----when you get your hopes up to get shot down like that is a real depressing thing----

again so sorry for your disappoinment and hope that a great job for you is just around the corner

best wishes to you

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Lillian, so sorry you didn't get that job but sure something else will come along soon. Have you tried looking into working at senior centers, or schools. these two places are good at hiring us elders. Also any other apartment complexes may have openings. Keep reading the ads, you will find what you want.....

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Sorry, Lillian. I'm sure there's SOME reason you didn't get the job, something your guardian angel said "don't SMELL right"...maybe there's a body in the wall somewhere that you would have discovered and been murdered "mysteriously" over...or a counterfeiting operation in the basement....or maybe it's really a dungeon and business folks are kidnapped and tortured there...

Okay, okay, I know, too much CSI... :roll:

Something else will pop up, just keep watching (like that Whack-A-Mole game, be alert...)

Take care,


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Guest canuckwebgrrl


I'm sorry you didn't get the job :(

Maybe you could sell quilts? I've seen many go for hundreds of dollars.... it's just a suggestion :)

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I am sorry about you not getting the job. I know I went through a couple of interviews before I finally got the job I am at. Keep looking and praying. I have always had faith that God will lead you to the right job at the right time.

Isn't it nice to have those projects done though? I know for me that was one thing that helped me to get through each day and have that feeling of self worth. You feel like you have accomplished something and the day was not wasted.

You are still in my prayers. Good luck.



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Sorry, you did not get the work.

Just count that interview as a practice one,

don't forget the saying ''Practice makes perfect''

so the next one will be for better work.

Keep scrubbing and quilting in the meantime

and you will all be ready and set to start a new

career soon.

Hope makes the world go round.

Good luck.


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