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Really need your prayers for my sister

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I just can't believe this. My sister who lives in Tulsa has just be diagnosed with throat cancer. The doctor who did the biopsy called and said he removed about a 1/2" tumor and that is was cancerous, she thinks he said squamous cell.

In the last 5 years, my sister has lost her husband, 3 of her sons have all died, she has fought geradia (spelling), calcium poisining (no idea where that came from), breast cancer, a major heart attack and now this.

She sounds very brave and very matter of fact. Fortunately, her daughter is there with her. She will get more info on Monday as to prognosis and treatment.

She is a tiny little thing and oh so brave. Please include her in your prayers.



Oh Ginny, I will pray real real hard for both you, The duke and your sister tonight and everynite. How does one deal with all of that. My heart hurts for her.


I can't believe this either. No one, repeat no one, should have to put up with so much heartache in life. What's with that???

My prayers going up as we speak and your family and hers will be in my thoughts always.

P.S. And I thought I had problems..ha!!



OH GINNY, That is just AWEFUL!!! I am SOOOO SORRY to hear this about your sister. OH SO MUCH ONE PERSON to have to deal with. :cry: You can count me in on saying LOTS of prayers for her and for you! Keep us posted. (I'm just sitting here shaking my head and saying to myself) MY GOODNESS!!! Oh so sad!

Hugs to you Ginny.


Your sister sounds like she had more than her share of heartache. I have 2 sisters, one who has been a blessing to me thru all of this. Sisters are great. Prayers being said for yours.



Hi Ginny,

Sorry to hear about your sister. Hope everything goes well. My thoughts and prayers are with her. Peace, take care and God Bless.


[The Power Of People Helping People / The Power Of Knowledge / The Power Of God / The Power Of Believing / The Power Of Positive Thinking / The Power Of Never Taking No For An Answer / The Power Of Laughter / United We Stand, Divided We Fall / That’s The Key]

https://cissecure.nci.nih.gov/ncipubs (NCI Publications Locator)

http://www.plwc.org/plwc/MainConstructo ... 151,00.asp (PLWC Feature: Talking to Someone With Cancer)

http://www.zanesvilletimesrecorder.com/ ... 87526.html (3-year-old keeps her smile in battle with rare cancer)

http://www.rfalung.com (Radio Frequency Ablation Of Lung Cancer)

http://www.lungcancercoalition.org (Global Lung Cancer Coalition)

http://www.plwc.org/plwc/MainConstructo ... 008,00.asp (PLWC Feature: Financial Support Resources)

http://www.usnews.com/usnews/nycu/healt ... hqcanc.htm (Best Hospitals)

https://www.alcase.org/advocacy/sign_the_petition.html (Advocacy /Sign the Petition)

http://www.cancersymptoms.org (Oncology Nursing Society)

http://www.plwc.org/plwc/MainConstructo ... 008,00.asp (Questions to Ask the Doctor)

http://www.alcase.org/education/publica ... reath.html (With Every Breath A Lung Cancer Guidebook / From ALCASE / A Wealth Of Information / Free)

http://www.cancersurvivaltoolbox.org (The Cancer Survival Toolbox / Free / From NCCS)

http://www.centerwatch.com (Clinical Trails Listing Service / Center Watch)

http://news.google.com/news?hl=en&editi ... ung+cancer (Lung Cancer In The News)

http://www.thewellnesscommunity.org/pro ... /guide.asp (The Wellness Community / National Cancer Support, Education And Support / Free)

http://www.drugs.com (Drug Information Online)

http://www.alcase.org (ALCASE / Alliance For Lung Cancer Advocacy, Support, Education)

http://www.nlm.nih.gov (Unites States / National Library Of Medicine)

http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/encyclopedia.html (Health Information / Medical Encyclopedia)

http://www.google.com (Great Search Engine)

http://blochcancer.org (R.A. Bloch Cancer Foundation, Inc. / Please read: A Letter to all newly diagnosed cancer patients)

http://www.cancer.org (American Cancer Society)

http://www.cancer.gov (Cancer Information Service / NCI)

http://www.cancerresearchcenter.org (Cancer Research Center)

http://www.aicr.org (American Institute for Cancer Research; Nutrition Hotline / AICR)

http://www.cancerhopenetwork.org (Cancer Hope Network)

http://www.acor.org (Association of Cancer Online Resources / Free Online Lifeline For Everyone Affected By Cancer & Related Disorders)

http://www.meds.com/lung/lunginfo.html (Lung Cancer Information Library)

http://www.lungusa.org (American Lung Association)

http://www.ama-assn.org (American Medical Association)

http://www.docguide.com/news/content.ns ... g%20Cancer (Doctor’s Guide / Lung Cancer)

http://www.healthfinder.gov/Scripts/Sea ... ?topic=506 (Healthfinder)

http://www.medicinenet.com/Lung_Cancer/article.htm (Medicine Net)

http://www.cancerindex.org/clinks2l.htm (Cancer Index / Lung Cancer Resources Directory)

http://www.nfcr.org/site/PageServer?pag ... ncers_lung (National Foundation For Cancer Research)

http://www.patientadvocate.org (Patient Advocate Foundation)

http://www.lungcanceronline.org/effects ... fects.html (Lung Cancer Online / Hematologic (Blood) Effects)

http://www.cancerlinks.org/lung.html (Lung Cancer Links)

http://www.cancer-free.com (Cancer Free Connections)

http://www.healthinsite.gov.au/topics/C ... ung_cancer (Health Insite)

http://www.lungcancerclaims.com (Lung Cancer / Lung Cancer Information Page)

http://www.cancerlifecenter.com/engine. ... =dictionar (Cancer Life Center/ Cancer Dictionary)

http://www.canceryellowpages.com/Resour ... G%20CANCER (Cancer yellow Pages)

http://icare.org (ICARE / The International Cancer Alliance)

http://www.vh.org/index.html (Virtual Hospital)

http://www.lungcanceronline.org/support/financial.html (Lung Cancer Online / Financial, Legal & Insurance Issues)

http://cancernews.healthology.com/focus ... cancernews (Cancer News)

Guest Piermarie


That is hard enough to read about let alone go through!!!! I'm just overwhelmed at all your sister has been through....I will definitely have her in my prayers.....



Oh my goodness. I pray the Lord will hold you all close and give you the strength for this next part of the journey. The good thing is that there is no limit to love.





Why does God hand out so much pain to one person, I am so sorry your sweet sister has had to endure such tragedy in her life.Prayers being said right now for her..


Oh Ginny, I can't imagine what your sister has gone through. I hope and pray she hears some good news next week. I know your whole family must be reeling right now, too. Tell your sister, she is in our prayers and in our thoughts. Wish there was more I could do or say.



The one thing my throat surgeon told me when I was first diagnosed with throat cancer was that it is one of the more curable cancers. Mine unfortunately was very advanced when found with 8 lymph nodes the larnyx the thyroid etc. and then spread to my lungs. So hopefully once the doc removed the tumor she will be ok. Even apparently if you have some reoccurence above the collar bone it is something that can be dealt with. Good luck.


Oh, Ginny, I bleed for you and I cry with you. Sisters are SO special and it hurts SO badly when they are suffering. May your sisterly love (which is beyond explanation or comprehension) help get you through this unfair crisis.


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