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Thanks rikke 

I'll be glad when it's done now and start enjoying life again, be nice to get them gone, hope your feeling alright and getting over all your treatment take care Justin x 

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Thanks Tom hopefully it will get shot of them quickly I think I'm only in for up to an hour they said and only one time but I'm worried about the head frame and procedure even though everyone says it's fine, thank you for your message I hope you are well 

Take care Justin 

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Well it’s done !!! Thank god Jus is home from his gamma surgery. A very long day from leaving home at 5am for an hour and a half drive to the hospital. There for 7am start and a long day ahead. Quite a traumatic day for him, but he did it, so proud of him as he’s been really struggling lately. We are so grateful for all your advice and support and it has played a very important part in our journey. Hopefully he will now begin to feel better, and start to live the life he’s been fighting so hard for. Once again my profound thanks to you all for being here for us,  good luck to you all Isla ( Jus’s mum ) I’ll be back !!! 

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Thank you for the update.  Please remind Justin that everybody here is rooting for him and we look forward to his return.


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Thanks Lou, he knows your all there for him and I know he is grateful for your support, and I bet he’ll be back on very shortly and give you an update cheers Izzy  

2 hours ago, Izzy said:
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Hi everyone 

So i had the gamma knife radiosurgery done yesterday apparently they had both nearly doubled in size so I'm pleased it was done sooner rather than later, I'm not sure how it all works I hope they just disappear or atleast shrink or die, the Dr's reduced my dexamethasone last week and I've started to have real weakness in my right hand side they have upped them again now but it's still the same I'm hoping it will get better soon, unfortunately I've also tested positive for covid today and have to have an antivirus infusion done tomorrow to help with the symptoms all the best to everyone 


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Thanks lou 

It's not great at the moment I'm so distressed about the feeling lost in my right hand side I just hope it comes back once the swelling goes or the medication kicks in again, sooner I get back on track the better thanks for your message 


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Justin, you're really going through the mill. I know you'll keep bugging your neurologist. Meanwhile, beat that stupid Covid. 


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Hi Karen 

Thank you for your message it's an absolute nightmare at the moment I know everyone here has gone through the same feelings I'm glad the gamma knife radiosurgery is done I just hope it works and everything starts getting better had enough of it all now, i had the antivirus infusion today which hopefully stops the symptoms getting to bad, I hope your doing well take care Justin x

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Dad, you've done so well, you should be so proud of how far you've come and how much you've over come. Everything you've gone through is just another hurdle, which you have successfully jumped. Youve smashed every treatment they have thrown at you. You will be a survivor. And your becoming a helper to others who are sadly on the same journey as you are on. The treatment will be successful and we will be us again, I promise you. You are going to get better dad. I have so much faith in the treatment and in you. I love you dad. X

Cody x

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Hi everyone 

Just a quick update I've got a lot more feeling coming back in my right side thankfully, I have had to cut the steroids down so I'm just hoping nothing changes, i also feel a lot more like fighting this now,  I hope everyone else is doing well take care Justin 

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So proud of you Jus x you’ve made all of us so proud of the way you’ve come through all this, I know it’s been really tough for you and you’ve felt like giving up but you never have, there is light at the end of this tunnel and you will come out the other side x I know you’ve been to hell and back but I have great faith in you and I know you will beat this, I love you so very much son and here’s to a bright future xxxx. Love mum xxxx 

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I've noticed the help you've offered to others just coming into the forums.  You're already exhibiting the courage of a winner, keep it up.


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Thanks for the replies and the encouragement, I would be really pleased if I can help anyone going through this it really is difficult and I know what most have felt like I have had radiotherapy and chemotherapy and gamma knife radiosurgery so any questions I really am happy to help you 

Many thanks Justin 

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Hi Justin

My thoughts are with you and I wish you all the best and it sounds really promising. I have just started my journey getting the first news that I probably have LC 2 days ago. I have no idea of the journey ahead but reading your experience has given me a great deal of hope but also an expectation that there may be many hard times ahead. Your thread is one of the most valuable on this forum as you have kept it going and keep the updates going. I am desperate to see peoples progress over time and there are so many threads that start and then just finish with no updates. I thank you for continuing your updates over time which gives me information of the journey you have been through and I can see it has not been an easy one. The way you have spoken openly about your feelings of despair have been extremely powerful. I don't even feel sick but am preparing for a journey ahead that may take twists and turns that I haven't even contemplated! I hope mine has been detected early and can be easily controlled but I have no facts yet so am preparing myself for the worst. I think I have a new buzzword for the future and if I end up in despair and wondering if it is all worth it ' I will just say to myself  'JUSTIN, JUST THINK OF JUSTIN'!

Thanks for your frankness and for keeping the thread going to tell the entire story. Being still married in a loving relationship after 35 years and with three adult sons of my own, the comments from Izzy and Cody bring me to tears. I have to go and tell my mother the news tomorrow, six years after she lost my elder sister to Ovarian cancer at age 56. I'm dreading it.

All the best to you and your family and thankyou for sharing.

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Thanks for your message mickey this journey is rough one but we'll get through it, goodluck telling everyone it is difficult but you will get an inner strength, I thought I was a strong man but turns out not as strong as I thought but I am getting through it now, if you have any questions or worries or want to know about any future treatments please just ask if I can help you I will 

Take care Justin 

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Well I’m so proud of you Jus for sharing your journey and helping others to maybe get an insight of what is to come x Your an inspiration and we love you very much for it, we wish Mickey all the love in the journey to come, and there is light at the end of these dark tunnels we’ve all gone thro, faith plays a huge part in recovery ❤️🩹 and just to hear you talk about what you’ve been thro brings tears to my eyes, so glad you can share your story x love you sweetheart xxxx

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Justin,

Random question, but I can’t recall if you ever had an MRI before, i.e prior to the discovery of your mets? Obviously your story is a bit worrying. I had a clear one in September, but wondered if I should ask for another one.

Thanks, Rikke


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Hi rikke 

I did have an mri scan last year on my brain September 7th and started my treatment beginning of November they think it went to my brain between those dates, I did think I should have had another mri and ct scan before I started treatment but i wasn't offered one, im sure your fine,  have you had any symptoms that make you think you may need a scan, I hope your doing well and still getting better,

All the best Take care Justin x 

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Thanks for responding Justin. No, I don’t have any symptoms, but it is obviously playing on my mind that this can happen. I will ask my oncologists about it as well.

I am fine otherwise - back on immunotherapy and still having no real side effects, so that is good.

Hope you have been able to get back to normal and enjoy this beautiful weather we are having. Going on a little Easter trip to Hastings myself 😊😊

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That's brilliant news try not to worry I'm sure you will be fine but definitely worth an ask, I noticed my arm and leg was acting strange for about 10 days before the seizure, I was surprised it happened to me but I'm hopeful it has been sorted now, my right side has started working much better now so I am getting out a bit more, I'm really glad your well and able to enjoy yourself and go places all the best take care 

Justin x

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Justin,

Your journey with cancer has sure been a rough one but I’m glad to hear that things are getting better for you. Keep the faith. I will be praying for you.

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Hi pstar 

Thank you for the kind words and your prayers I really do hope things start going right I've had enough of all this stress and worry now, I'm so pleased you are doing well and hope you continue to have great scans and results I'm sure you will.

All the best Take care Justin x 

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Hi Justin,

Just seen on another thread that you have a scan this week. Sending lots of positive shrinkage vibes your way! Hope it goes well.

I’m finally starting SABR to my shoulder met this week. Praying and hoping it works! 

Gini x

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