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Hi gini 

Thanks for your message I had the ct scan this morning it always seems to take forever to get the results the waiting is terrible,

That's brilliant news I hope everything goes well for you and im sending you all the positivity and best wishes, please let me know how you get on,

Take care Justin x 

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Thinking of you Justin. My prayers are with you for a positive scan result as you deserve it. Stay strong my friend.



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Hi mike 

Thanks for your message and prayers I'm really hoping it's some good news im getting sick of cancer now lol, how are you feeling now I hope everything is going good for you 

All the best, 

Take care Justin 

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Hi pstar 

Thank you for the message it is worrying waiting as it takes about a week to ten days for results, I hope your alright and doing well all the best,

Take care Justin x 

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Hi everyone,

Just an update I had a chest abdomen and pelvis ct scan done ten days ago, I rang the cancer nurse yesterday to see if I had an appointment to see the oncologist or if the results were back, I was told I would probably have appointment next Thursday or possibly the Thursday after, this does seem a bit long to wait for results as it's very worrying but I had a phone call today to tell me I have an appointment with the oncologist tomorrow just hoping for some good news I will let you know how it goes 

Many thanks Justin 

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Fingers tightly crossed Justin, hope you get the best possible news! How terrible of them to delay such crucial news so long. I always found these bureaucratic delays completely inhumane.

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Thanks for the message, i hope your doing well and everything is going alright for you, 

Take care Justin x

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Hi everyone,

I got the results from last weeks CT scan and it's all good news thankfully, there is no spreading to anywhere else and the tumor has shrunk a bit more so classed as stable,there is scaring on the lung from the radiation but they are really pleased with everything so just the mri scan next month to see if all is good in my brain and hopefully get on with my life,

All the best


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Hurray Justin! That is such good news. Enjoy the fabulous weather knowing that things are moving in the right direction and all you gotta do is sit back and have a well-deserved pint ❤️

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Hi rikke 

Thank you for your message I definitely feel better after the news it is awful waiting for results, i think I will have a drink lol, how are you getting on hope your well 

Take care Justin x 

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Hi all, Bin a while since I’ve posted but it’s been a waiting game for Jus’s results, and what a great result it is !!!! No spread , another reduction and is marked as stable. Such a relief he’s going in the right direction and no one deserves it more than him, it’s such a tough terrible journey for you all and my heart breaks for you, but hang in there and stay strong.  Jus, I love you so very much and am exceedingly proud of you for the way you’ve coped with all this and if anyone can kick this you can. Keep up the positivity everyone and show em who’s boss. All the very best to you all and lots of love, best wishes Isla xxx

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone 

I just wondered if anyone has experienced what I seem to be experiencing lately, every now and again I have a real difficulty swallowing it's only happened a few times,I also feel like my the glands are sore in my neck but more under my jaw area,the Dr said it could be a reaction to the keppra or possibly a side effect of stopping the dexamethasone steroids they told me to start taking omeprazol again for a week to see if it helps as it could be an acid reflux problem, I'm not sure what it is and just wondered if anyone had experienced the same thing I have got scarring on my lung due to the radiotherapy could the esophagus have scarring also as I had radiotherapy on the lymph nodes, many thanks for reading 

Take care Justin 

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On your question about esophagus scarring after radiation, I had that after 30 sessions of fractional general radiation. During that time (about a month) I had difficulty swallowing and was on a near liquid diet (I wonder if ice cream counts as a liquid because I recall consuming a lot of that!).

In my case, the symptom departed about a month after my last treatment. Here is hoping your problems leave soon.

Stay the course.


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Hi Justin,

I also had difficulty swallowing after my 30 radiation treatments. My radiation oncologist prescribed BMX ( benadryl/Mallox/xylocaine) or as some people call it magic mouthwash only I was told to swish it in my mouth and gargle then swallow it as it was only a tablespoon. This numbed my throat so it was easier to eat or swallow for about 30 minutes. I also had the acid reflux so took famotidine 20 mg twice a day. Both helped immensely. I finished radiation in beginning of Feb and stopped the bmx the end of March. I still take the famotidine as I still get the acid reflux. I have CT scan next week so will see where I am at. Hope your symptoms resolve soon.


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Thank-you both for your replies it's not really a problem with soreness when swallowing it's more like a spasm in my throat that won't allow me to swallow properly and a feeling that my glands are up in my neck it's only happened a few times, the Dr said it could a number of things great help lol, the cancer nurse said it could be a side affect of coming off the dexamethasone steroids, goodluck with your scan next week pam I hope everything is good news,

Many thanks Justin 

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Is it possible to speak with a different doctor in your health system? It sounds like this is worrisome for you and that you’d like some more specific information.

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Hi Karen 

Thanks for your message my glands seem to have gone down now and I haven't had any more swallowing issues, I could have had an infection of some kind maybe,if it happens again I will get back in touch with the cancer people, I hope your well 

Take care Justin x 

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Justin, I'm sorry I'm late to this discussion. It sounds to me like your swallowing difficulty was related to the esophagitis. Some people see swallowing therapists for this. As far as I know, they usually practice in hospitals (at least here with n the U. S.). 

I also have scarring in my lungs from radiation. I had an endoscopy a couple of months after radiation ended, and although it showed that my esophagus had healed with no scarring, I still had symptoms. I think it just takes time, and the acid reflux should also heal. You might want to request an endoscopy if you're still bothered by symptoms. 

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Hi Judy 

Thanks for your message it seems to have all settled down at the moment if it comes back I will mention about the endoscopy, I hope your well thank you again 

Take care Justin x 

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Justin

I hope you are doing well my friend. I have been thinking about you and praying for positive results despite the fact that I am an atheist! I have not had much internet coverage lately as I am travelling in the far North of Australia. I have your last message as of June 8th. I hope all is well with you



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Hi mike

Good to hear from you I've been thinking about you and how you were getting on I hope you're having a great time and keeping well,I'm not to bad thanks I've had a couple of issues but nothing to concerning,I had good results from my mri and ct scan the brain mets and lung tumor are shrinking and they are really happy with the way it's all going thanks for your message and prayers, have a brilliant time away stay safe 

All the best Justin 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Justin,

just checking in to see how things went with your doctor call yesterday. You had said you had a few problems, I’m hoping you’re doing ok. 

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Hi Lori 

Thanks for checking in, the oncologist said it was probably a trapped nerve and nothing cancer related and told me to talk to gp to arrange physio therapy,when I went to see him he said it was definitely not a trapped nerve it was more likely seizure activity due to swelling after the gamma knife radiosurgery, so he contacted the oncologist who then agreed with him and has put the anti seizure tablets up and started me back on dexamethasone steroids, I wish they had listened to me in the beginning and I possibly could have avoided this but thankfully it didn't turn into a seizure, thank you again for taking the time to message Hope your doing alright and not stressing to much all the best

Take care Justin x 

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We always have to be our own best advocates and getting more than one view is an example of doing just that.  I look forward to positive improvement for you.


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