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pulmonary fibrosis and NSCLC stage 4


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I was wondering if anyone has experienced both of these conditions together.

My husband was diagnosed with pulm fibrosis almost 2 years ago at the VA.   At that time, his symptoms were not bad...cough, sometimes productive as well as some developing shortness of breath with walks.   COVID hit, and his symptoms got worse, and ended up with hospitalization for pneumonia twice.  Then new pulmonologist wanted to do a bronchoscopy to determine if his pulmonary fibrosis was IPF or Unspecified.  That began the start of our cancer journey, when lung tissue came back positive for adenocarcinoma and 3 positive lymph nodes.

So, pulmonary fibrosis, in itself, is a horrible diagnosis, with no cure and just palliative treatment.  Now we have increasing lung tumors, more lymph spread, and six areas identified in bone.

The fibrosis takes any radiation to the lungs off the table.  He is not a surgical candidate, as mentioned in previous posts.

So, he agreed to chemo with Alimta and carboplatin, which kicked his *ss in almost every way possible.

I have seen many posts here about how there were a few bad days, but second week much better, and third week almost back to before chemo treatment.  My husband is 11 days out and he is not feeling much better.  Still poor appetite, lots of coughing , pain increased,...

We have his pain getting under control, have seen pain doctor and started a new regime.  We have labs again Monday to see where his numbers lie. His WBC dropped by half on day 7,and platelets by 70 percent by day 7.  so, we will see what this week brings.

Right now, we plan to get on auto train Wednesday to make a trip to his hometown to see his sisters and brothers, who we have not seen in 2 years due to COVID.  We are taking lots of precautions, and have our own space with bathroom and sleeping quarters on the train so he does not need to be exposed to any folks for the travel part, and having our own car to pack up comfort items, etc will be good.   He is approaching this as potentially his last trip home.    I will take him wherever he desires, and this trip is all about him and getting to see the folks that are important to him.  I hate that he is viewing this as a last trip, but who knows?  One day at a time, and making the best of each day we wake up.


would love to hear from anyone that has experience with both these diseases together.





I have not experienced a diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis concurrent with lung cancer, but the post chemo drop in blood counts was typical after each of my infusions. Sometimes, I'd receive an injection of Neulasta or Procrit to address low white and red cell counts. Has your husband's doctor suggested these remedies?

How long did my side effects last after chemo? They were generally over 14 days after infusion. My infusions were all on a 3-week cycle and the third week I felt almost normal before the mayhem started again. Here is more information about my infusions and side effects. Do encourage your husband to eat--anything! Chemo destroys cells (both normal and cancer) and calories are necessary to replace cells.

I also experienced coughing during my first line treatment. Is his coughing worse that that experienced before his lung cancer diagnosis? 

Have a safe trip.

Stay the course.





I'm so sorry to hear this. Cancer itself is plenty challenging. Having other serious health issues just doesnt seem fair.

He should talk to his oncologist. They may have some drugs that might alleviate some of the side effects. Today Chemo seems to be much more effective. Give it a chance.

I hope your husband feels better. I personally love taking a train and 100% agree with your attitude towards his desires. I also decided that life was too short with an LC diagnosis to not try to do those things I've always wanted to do. In fact. I mended some fences with my own family that I never thought I would do. I'm very happy I did. Not saying your husband has that issue...just using it as an example. You are both in my thoughts




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