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Hi! I'm wondering if anyone here has been given trilaciclib before chemo and if it was worth it.


Thank you! Any and all information is helpful!!


H Marge and welcome. I don't know about this drug and I can't recall anyone here posting aboout it. Is it new?

  • 1 month later...

Hi Marge,

I asked my partner's radiologist about this drug and he said it's fairly new and very expensive, and that Kaiser wouldn't pay for it (partner's HMO), and neither would the radiologist's hospital (Queen of the Valley, Napa). The next best thing from my understanding is the colony-stimulating factors which help prevent low white blood cell counts, give on the last day of the chemo infusion:

Neupogen (filgrastim, G-CSF)
Neulasta (pegfilgrastim)
Leukine (sargramostim, GM-CSF)



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