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VA home assessment for supplemental oxygen.


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I’m waiting for a VA home visit oxygen needs evaluation. Has anyone had one of these, or know someone who has? What can I expect? Sure hope it’s not involving any arterial blood gas draws. thanks

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I answered your question in the General section of our forum. Sorry I missed your post a couple of days ago.

My O2 evaluation was performed by my GP so I don't have any VA experience. He used a special kind of pulse oximeter that record blood O2 saturation throughout the night. It clamps on one's finger nails and had a velcro device to keep it attached during the evening. I wore it for 3 consecutive nights and he downloaded the saturation data when I returned it to the clinic. No arterial blood gas draws were involved (thank the Lord)!

My O2 concentrator was delivered by a commercial medical equipment supply company. The cost is fully paid for by Medicare. It is a noisy device; we put it in our bathroom and close the door to reduce noise transients. The machine has a distinctive sound cycle that reminds me of an old railroad steam engine just starting to move. There must be a piston involved because one can hear a distinct sound of air intake and exhaust.

I would think a VA home evaluation would be assessing the "geography" of your home to determine how much connecting tubing to provide with the machine.

Stay the course.



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  • 1 month later...

Thank you Tom

I just saw this... duh

Not on top of things lately

staying the course!

thanks and apologies again
































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