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Scans for my David tomorrow.

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Dear All,

My David is going for CT scans tomorrow and I would like to ask if you could give send some of your prayerful, positive thoughts our way. He has been feeling so good during this break without drugs, but I am so scared because I have noticed some wheezing recently. We see the oncologist on the 17th. David is such a Dear, brave, man and I cannot bear the thought of him getting so ill again.

I am hoping he doesn't have to go on Iressa yet as it might put paid to the trip we are planning to see our daughter and family in Michigan. The grand-kids are so looking forward to seeing their Grandpa and we can't wait to see them again either. Kids grow so quickly don't they!

Thanks and love,


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I am adding more prayers from the sunny south for good scan results.More for you too Mary Ann.And I sure hope you get to see those grandbabies.I hope you have some peace while waiting for results as well.That part is the hardest.At least for me it is.Love to you all.TBone

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Thank you all for your messages, you really helped me through a particularly "Yucky" day yesterday.

Cathy, we are going to Clarkston, near Detroit. It's a lovely little town, very "countryfide", with lots of trees, which I love. We are looking forward to it. Do you have family in Michigan?

Thanks again everyone,


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Hi Paddy,

I live in Mich. probably about 30 or 40 minutes from Clarkston, I have some cousins that live very near Clarkston, right by Great Lakes Crossing(its a mall thats fairly new)WE have not had very good weather so hopefullty it warms up a bit before you get here.

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