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I saw my Dr today, he said my last CT showed fluid around the heart area. I am to get an echocardiogram (ultrasound of the heart) on Thursday. He said it could be caused from the radiation I had last year or it could be due to the cancer. The only definitive way of knowing, I think, is to drain it with a needle. :shock: I am NOT to thrilled about that. I will have to WAIT and see what the echo shows. Has anyone else had this?



John has the same thing Cindy. He has had it for quite some time and they just watch it as there is not enough to worry about draining. I hope you have the same result.




I was wondering how your CT results went since you posted a couple of weeks ago that you were getting a CT done. I don't know anything about the fluid around the heart, but was so happy to see that you didn't report any regrowth of cancer. Is your doctor also surprised at just how well you've done?

I'm so happy for you and love to read your posts. I keep you in my prayers.

Love, Anne


Thanks all of you. Yes the Dr was smiling when we talked about it being three years. I think I will become his posterchild. 8) I did some searching on the internet and med. books I have. I do NOT like what it says about pleural effusions, that is the fluid around the heart. Sometimes not knowing is a blessing. I can stick other people with needles etc. BUT when it comes to ME-quite another story!




I'm scheduled for my echocardiogram this Friday. I'll be keeping it all crossed that this turns out to be something benign and easily managed.... for both of us!


Cindy...Last year Jim went into the hospital because of SVPT (high pulse, low blood pressure) They had to stop and then start his heart. The onc. suppected he had fluid around the heart. He had a echocardiogram which was negative. Hope you have good news too when you have your test. Carolyn



I will keep you in my prayers, hopefully this newest development is something that can be fixed, try not to anticipate the worse, and I know easy for me to say, but I just dont want you to worry...



I had an echo cardiagram to check on a spot that showed up on a CT. The Doc also said I had fluid around the heart but didn't seem concerened & it did go away. I'll be sending those positive thoughts your way.




You are in my thoughts as always, and even more so today because you are worried. I wish I knew and could speed up the wait time for you.




Draining plural effusions was no fun with the needle jab, but at least with my second one of 1.8 liters, I felt a lot of relief after a second of pain. Normally plural effusions are fluid leakage into the area between the ribs and a thin sack that surrounds the lungs. The heart has a thin sack of its own called the pericardium. This bag can also fill with fluid, and if it gets too full it can begin to cramp the heart beat a little. I had one of the echocardiograms and was amused by the weird sounds emanating from the machine. I presented to the MD with a symptom of shortness of breath, about 5 months before they stumbled on to my SCLC with a CAT scan. He checked my heart and ordered a simple chest X-ray and sent me to a GI doc. Let us hope you have a more perspicacious medico.


I think I have been in a fog for a few days. I did mean pericardial effusion not pleural effusion. I need to check and see if I really am a nurse. Scary-good thing I am not working right now. Can't remember the difference between a heart and lung. Poor patients. Imagine if I was told to put in catheter and grabbed the IV equipment! :shock::shock::shock:

Love Cindy

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